无法让 OkHttp 的 response. body. toString()返回字符串

我试图得到一些 json 数据使用 OkHttp 和不能理解为什么当我尝试记录的 response.body().toString()我得到的是 Results:﹕ com.squareup.okhttp.Call$RealResponseBody@41c16aa8

try {
URL url = new URL(BaseUrl);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()

Call call = client.newCall(request);
Response response = call.execute();

**//for some reason this successfully prints out the response**
System.out.println("YEAH: " + response.body().string());

if(!response.isSuccessful()) {
Log.i("Response code", " " + response.code());

Log.i("Response code", response.code() + " ");
String results = response.body().toString();

Log.i("OkHTTP Results: ", results);



127706 次浏览

You have use .string() function to print the response in System.out.println(). But at last in Log.i() you are using .toString().

So please use .string() on response body to print and get your request's response, like:



  1. .toString(): This returns your object in string format.

  2. .string(): This returns your response.

I think this solve your problem... Right.

Just in case someone bumps into the same weird thing as I have. I run my code during development in Debug Mode and apparently since OKHttp 2.4

..the response body is a one-shot value that may be consumed only once

So when in debug there is a call "behind the scene" from the inspector and the body is always empty. See: https://square.github.io/okhttp/3.x/okhttp/okhttp3/ResponseBody.html

The response.body.string() can be consumed only once. Please use as below:

String responseBodyString = response.body.string();

Use the responseBodyString as needed in your application.

try to change it like that for example:

protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("type", type);
data.put("message", message);
data.put("title", title);
data.put("image_url", imageUrl);
data.put("id", id);
data.put("message_id", messageId);
data.put("display_name", displayName);
root.put("data", data);
root.put("registration_ids", new JSONArray(receipts));
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, root.toString());
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "key=" + serverKey)
Response response = mClient.newCall(request).execute();
String result = response.body().string();
Log.d(TAG, "Result: " + result);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG,"Exception -> "+ex.getMessage());
return null;

Given that a response can potentially produce an OutOfMemoryError in cases of large files, you can instead "peek" the body with the number of bytes and call the string() method.

Note that this will consume the body.


Recreate the response object after consuming the string

val responseBodyString = response.body()!!.string()

response = response.newBuilder() .body(ResponseBody.create(responseBody?.contentType(), responseBodyString.toByteArray())) .build()

Following is my modified CurlInterceptor. Check the end of the intercept function where I m recreating the Response object after consuming the old Response.

var responseBodyString = responseBody?.string()

response = response.newBuilder() .body( ResponseBody.create( responseBody?.contentType(), responseBodyString.toByteArray() ) ) .build()

class CurlInterceptor: Interceptor

var gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()

override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {

Timber.d(" **** ->>Request to server -> ****")

val request = chain.request()
var response = chain.proceed(request)

var curl = "curl -v -X  ${request.method()}"

val headers = request.headers()

for ( i in 0..(headers.size() -1) ){
curl = "${curl} -H \"${headers.name(i)}: ${headers.value(i)}\""

val requestBody = request.body()
if (requestBody != null) {
val buffer = Buffer()
var charset: Charset =
curl = "${curl} --data '${buffer.readString(charset).replace("\n", "\\n")}'"

Timber.d("$curl ${request.url()}")
Timber.d("response status code ${response.code()} message: ${response.message()}")



var responseBody = response?.body()

if(responseBody != null )
var responseBodyString = responseBody?.string()

response = response.newBuilder()

responseBodyString = gson.toJson(responseBodyString)

Timber.d("response json -> \n $responseBodyString")


Timber.d(" **** << Response from server ****")

return response

fun dumbHeaders(response: Response) {
try {
if (response.headers() != null) {

for (headerName in response.headers().names()) {
for (headerValue in response.headers(headerName)) {
Timber.d("Header $headerName : $headerValue")
catch (ex: Exception){}

Instead of using .toString() which returns an object

String results = response.body().toString();

you can use

String results = response.body().string();
   Call call = client.newCall(request);
return call.execute().body().string();

we can get response as a return fromby these

Kotlin Programmers I am here for you

 response.body?.charStream()?.readText()?.let {
//Where it refers to Response string

Here you can not use .toString() function and .string() function is not available in Kotlin than you can user charStream() and than convert that charStream into readText() but you have to unwrap the whole value before passing it.But it will never create problem.

I have not explored these charStream() and readText() functions in java but I think it should be there and you can use this in java if these functions are available because I just got to know that java has deprecated the .string() function.