#! /usr/bin/env python
class Node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.data = None # contains the data
self.next = None # contains the reference to the next node
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.cur_node = None
def add_node(self, data):
new_node = Node() # create a new node
new_node.data = data
new_node.next = self.cur_node # link the new node to the 'previous' node.
self.cur_node = new_node # set the current node to the new one.
def list_print(self):
node = self.cur_node # cant point to ll!
while node:
print node.data
node = node.next
ll = LinkedList()
下面是链表类的一个稍微复杂一些的版本,它与 python 的序列类型有一个类似的接口(即。支持索引、切片、任意序列的连接等)。它应该有 O (1)预置,不复制数据,除非它需要,并且可以与元组很好地交换使用。
它不会像 lisp con 单元格那样具有空间和时间效率,因为 python 类显然更加重量级(您可以使用“ __slots__ = '_head','_tail'”稍微改进一下以减少内存使用)。然而,它将具有期望的大 O 性能特征。
>>> l = LinkedList([1,2,3,4])
>>> l
LinkedList([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> l.head, l.tail
(1, LinkedList([2, 3, 4]))
# Prepending is O(1) and can be done with:
LinkedList.cons(0, l)
LinkedList([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
# Or prepending arbitrary sequences (Still no copy of l performed):
[-1,0] + l
LinkedList([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
# Normal list indexing and slice operations can be performed.
# Again, no copy is made unless needed.
>>> l[1], l[-1], l[2:]
(2, 4, LinkedList([3, 4]))
>>> assert l[2:] is l.next.next
# For cases where the slice stops before the end, or uses a
# non-contiguous range, we do need to create a copy. However
# this should be transparent to the user.
>>> LinkedList(range(100))[-10::2]
LinkedList([90, 92, 94, 96, 98])
import itertools
class LinkedList(object):
"""Immutable linked list class."""
def __new__(cls, l=[]):
if isinstance(l, LinkedList): return l # Immutable, so no copy needed.
i = iter(l)
head = i.next()
except StopIteration:
return cls.EmptyList # Return empty list singleton.
tail = LinkedList(i)
obj = super(LinkedList, cls).__new__(cls)
obj._head = head
obj._tail = tail
return obj
def cons(cls, head, tail):
ll = cls([head])
if not isinstance(tail, cls):
tail = cls(tail)
ll._tail = tail
return ll
# head and tail are not modifiable
def head(self): return self._head
def tail(self): return self._tail
def __nonzero__(self): return True
def __len__(self):
return sum(1 for _ in self)
def __add__(self, other):
other = LinkedList(other)
if not self: return other # () + l = l
start=l = LinkedList(iter(self)) # Create copy, as we'll mutate
while l:
if not l._tail: # Last element?
l._tail = other
l = l._tail
return start
def __radd__(self, other):
return LinkedList(other) + self
def __iter__(self):
while x:
yield x.head
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Get item at specified index"""
if isinstance(idx, slice):
# Special case: Avoid constructing a new list, or performing O(n) length
# calculation for slices like l[3:]. Since we're immutable, just return
# the appropriate node. This becomes O(start) rather than O(n).
# We can't do this for more complicated slices however (eg [l:4]
start = idx.start or 0
if (start >= 0) and (idx.stop is None) and (idx.step is None or idx.step == 1):
length = len(self) # Need to calc length.
start, stop, step = idx.indices(length)
no_copy_needed = (stop == length) and (step == 1)
if no_copy_needed:
l = self
for i in range(start):
if not l: break # End of list.
return l
# We need to construct a new list.
if step < 1: # Need to instantiate list to deal with -ve step
return LinkedList(list(self)[start:stop:step])
return LinkedList(itertools.islice(iter(self), start, stop, step))
# Non-slice index.
if idx < 0: idx = len(self)+idx
if not self: raise IndexError("list index out of range")
if idx == 0: return self.head
return self.tail[idx-1]
def __mul__(self, n):
if n <= 0: return Nil
for i in range(n-1): l += self
return l
def __rmul__(self, n): return self * n
# Ideally we should compute the has ourselves rather than construct
# a temporary tuple as below. I haven't impemented this here
def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self))
def __eq__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) == 0
def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
def __lt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) < 0
def __gt__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) > 0
def __le__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) <= 0
def __ge__(self, other): return self._cmp(other) >= 0
def _cmp(self, other):
"""Acts as cmp(): -1 for self<other, 0 for equal, 1 for greater"""
if not isinstance(other, LinkedList):
return cmp(LinkedList,type(other)) # Arbitrary ordering.
A, B = iter(self), iter(other)
for a,b in itertools.izip(A,B):
if a<b: return -1
elif a > b: return 1
return 1 # a has more items.
except StopIteration: pass
return -1 # b has more items.
except StopIteration: pass
return 0 # Lists are equal
def __repr__(self):
return "LinkedList([%s])" % ', '.join(map(repr,self))
class EmptyList(LinkedList):
"""A singleton representing an empty list."""
def __new__(cls):
return object.__new__(cls)
def __iter__(self): return iter([])
def __nonzero__(self): return False
def head(self): raise IndexError("End of list")
def tail(self): raise IndexError("End of list")
# Create EmptyList singleton
LinkedList.EmptyList = EmptyList()
del EmptyList
'''singly linked lists, by Yingjie Lan, December 1st, 2011'''
class linkst:
'''Singly linked list, with pythonic features.
The list has pointers to both the first and the last node.'''
__slots__ = ['data', 'next'] #memory efficient
def __init__(self, iterable=(), data=None, next=None):
'''Provide an iterable to make a singly linked list.
Set iterable to None to make a data node for internal use.'''
if iterable is not None:
self.data, self.next = self, None
else: #a common node
self.data, self.next = data, next
def empty(self):
'''test if the list is empty'''
return self.next is None
def append(self, data):
'''append to the end of list.'''
last = self.data
self.data = last.next = linkst(None, data)
#self.data = last.next
def insert(self, data, index=0):
'''insert data before index.
Raise IndexError if index is out of range'''
curr, cat = self, 0
while cat < index and curr:
curr, cat = curr.next, cat+1
if index<0 or not curr:
raise IndexError(index)
new = linkst(None, data, curr.next)
if curr.next is None: self.data = new
curr.next = new
def reverse(self):
'''reverse the order of list in place'''
current, prev = self.next, None
while current: #what if list is empty?
next = current.next
current.next = prev
prev, current = current, next
if self.next: self.data = self.next
self.next = prev
def delete(self, index=0):
'''remvoe the item at index from the list'''
curr, cat = self, 0
while cat < index and curr.next:
curr, cat = curr.next, cat+1
if index<0 or not curr.next:
raise IndexError(index)
curr.next = curr.next.next
if curr.next is None: #tail
self.data = curr #current == self?
def remove(self, data):
'''remove first occurrence of data.
Raises ValueError if the data is not present.'''
current = self
while current.next: #node to be examined
if data == current.next.data: break
current = current.next #move on
else: raise ValueError(data)
current.next = current.next.next
if current.next is None: #tail
self.data = current #current == self?
def __contains__(self, data):
'''membership test using keyword 'in'.'''
current = self.next
while current:
if data == current.data:
return True
current = current.next
return False
def __iter__(self):
'''iterate through list by for-statements.
return an iterator that must define the __next__ method.'''
itr = linkst()
itr.next = self.next
return itr #invariance: itr.data == itr
def __next__(self):
'''the for-statement depends on this method
to provide items one by one in the list.
return the next data, and move on.'''
#the invariance is checked so that a linked list
#will not be mistakenly iterated over
if self.data is not self or self.next is None:
raise StopIteration()
next = self.next
self.next = next.next
return next.data
def __repr__(self):
'''string representation of the list'''
return 'linkst(%r)'%list(self)
def __str__(self):
'''converting the list to a string'''
return '->'.join(str(i) for i in self)
#note: this is NOT the class lab! see file linked.py.
def extend(self, iterable):
'''takes an iterable, and append all items in the iterable
to the end of the list self.'''
last = self.data
for i in iterable:
last.next = linkst(None, i)
last = last.next
self.data = last
def index(self, data):
'''TODO: return first index of data in the list self.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.'''
#must not convert self to a tuple or any other containers
current, idx = self.next, 0
while current:
if current.data == data: return idx
current, idx = current.next, idx+1
raise ValueError(data)
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.next = None
def __str__(self):
return str(self.data)
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.curr = None
self.tail = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
if self.head and not self.curr:
self.curr = self.head
return self.curr
elif self.curr.next:
self.curr = self.curr.next
return self.curr
raise StopIteration
def append(self, data):
n = Node(data)
if not self.head:
self.head = n
self.tail = n
self.tail.next = n
self.tail = self.tail.next
# Add 5 nodes
ll = LinkedList()
for i in range(1, 6):
# print out the list
for n in ll:
print n
Example output:
$ python linked_list.py
class Node (object):
""" Node for a linked list. """
def __init__ (self, value, next=None):
self.value = value
self.next = next
class LinkedList (object):
""" Linked list ADT implementation using class.
A linked list is a wrapper of a head pointer
that references either None, or a node that contains
a reference to a linked list.
def __init__ (self, iterable=()):
self.head = None
for x in iterable:
self.head = Node(x, self.head)
def __iter__ (self):
p = self.head
while p is not None:
yield p.value
p = p.next
def prepend (self, x): # 'appendleft'
self.head = Node(x, self.head)
def reverse (self):
""" In-place reversal. """
p = self.head
self.head = None
while p is not None:
p0, p = p, p.next
p0.next = self.head
self.head = p0
if __name__ == '__main__':
ll = LinkedList([6,5,4])
ll.prepend(3); ll.prepend(2)
print list(ll)
print list(ll)
class LL(object):
def __init__(self,val):
self.val = val
self.next = None
def pushNodeEnd(self,top,val):
if top is None:
while (tmp.next != None):
def pushNodeFront(self,top,val):
if top is None:
def popNodeFront(self,top):
if top is None:
return sav
def popNodeEnd(self,top):
if top is None:
while (tmp.next != None):
return tmp
top.pushNodeEnd(top, 20)
top.pushNodeEnd(top, 30)
print (pop.val)
class LinkedStack:
'''LIFO Stack implementation using a singly linked list for storage.'''
_ToList = []
#---------- nested _Node class -----------------------------
class _Node:
'''Lightweight, nonpublic class for storing a singly linked node.'''
__slots__ = '_element', '_next' #streamline memory usage
def __init__(self, element, next):
self._element = element
self._next = next
#--------------- stack methods ---------------------------------
def __init__(self):
'''Create an empty stack.'''
self._head = None
self._size = 0
def __len__(self):
'''Return the number of elements in the stack.'''
return self._size
def IsEmpty(self):
'''Return True if the stack is empty'''
return self._size == 0
def Push(self,e):
'''Add element e to the top of the Stack.'''
self._head = self._Node(e, self._head) #create and link a new node
self._size +=1
def Top(self):
'''Return (but do not remove) the element at the top of the stack.
Raise exception if the stack is empty
if self.IsEmpty():
raise Exception('Stack is empty')
return self._head._element #top of stack is at head of list
def Pop(self):
'''Remove and return the element from the top of the stack (i.e. LIFO).
Raise exception if the stack is empty
if self.IsEmpty():
raise Exception('Stack is empty')
answer = self._head._element
self._head = self._head._next #bypass the former top node
self._size -=1
return answer
def Count(self):
'''Return how many nodes the stack has'''
return self.__len__()
def Clear(self):
'''Delete all nodes'''
for i in range(self.Count()):
def ToList(self):
return self._ToList
# LinkedList..
class node:
def __init__(self): ##Cluster of Nodes' properties
class linkedList():
def __init__(self):
self.t = node() // for future use
self.cur_node = node() // current node
def add(self,data): // appending the LL
self.new_node = node()
if self.cur_node.data is None:
self.start=self.new_node //For the 1st node only
def backward_display(self): //Displays LL backwards
while self.t.data is not None:
def forward_display(self): //Displays LL Forward
while self.t.data is not None:
if self.t.next is None:
def main(self): //This is kind of the main
function in C
while ch is not 4: //Switch-case in C
ch=int(input("Enter your choice:"))
if ch is 1:
data=int(input("Enter data to be added:"))
elif ch is 2:
elif ch is 3:
print("Program ends!!")
我还根据一些教程编写了一个 Single Linked List,其中包含两个基本的 Node 和 LinkedList 类,以及一些用于插入、删除、反向、排序等的附加方法。
Single Linked List (SLL):
A simple object-oriented implementation of Single Linked List (SLL)
with some associated methods, such as create list, count nodes, delete nodes, and such.
class Node:
Instantiates a node
def __init__(self, value):
Node class constructor which sets the value and link of the node
self.info = value
self.link = None
class SingleLinkedList:
Instantiates the SLL class
def __init__(self):
SLL class constructor which sets the value and link of the node
self.start = None
def create_single_linked_list(self):
Reads values from stdin and appends them to this list and creates a SLL with integer nodes
number_of_nodes = int(input("👉 Enter a positive integer between 1-50 for the number of nodes you wish to have in the list: "))
if number_of_nodes <= 0 or number_of_nodes > 51:
print("💛 The number of nodes though must be an integer between 1 to 50!")
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
for _ in range(number_of_nodes):
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer for the node to be inserted: "))
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def count_sll_nodes(self):
Counts the nodes of the linked list
p = self.start
n = 0
while p is not None:
n += 1
p = p.link
if n >= 1:
print(f"💚 The number of nodes in the linked list is {n}")
print(f"💛 The SLL does not have a node!")
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def search_sll_nodes(self, x):
Searches the x integer in the linked list
position = 1
p = self.start
while p is not None:
if p.info == x:
print(f"💚 YAAAY! We found {x} at position {position}")
return True
#Increment the position
position += 1
#Assign the next node to the current node
p = p.link
print(f"💔 Sorry! We couldn't find {x} at any position. Maybe, you might want to use option 9 and try again later!")
return False
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def display_sll(self):
Displays the list
if self.start is None:
print("💛 Single linked list is empty!")
display_sll = "💚 Single linked list nodes are: "
p = self.start
while p is not None:
display_sll += str(p.info) + "\t"
p = p.link
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_node_in_beginning(self, data):
Inserts an integer in the beginning of the linked list
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = self.start
self.start = temp
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_node_at_end(self, data):
Inserts an integer at the end of the linked list
temp = Node(data)
if self.start is None:
self.start = temp
p = self.start
while p.link is not None:
p = p.link
p.link = temp
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_node_after_another(self, data, x):
Inserts an integer after the x node
p = self.start
while p is not None:
if p.info == x:
p = p.link
if p is None:
print(f"💔 Sorry! {x} is not in the list.")
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = p.link
p.link = temp
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_node_before_another(self, data, x):
Inserts an integer before the x node
# If list is empty
if self.start is None:
print("💔 Sorry! The list is empty.")
# If x is the first node, and new node should be inserted before the first node
if x == self.start.info:
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = p.link
p.link = temp
# Finding the reference to the prior node containing x
p = self.start
while p.link is not None:
if p.link.info == x:
p = p.link
if p.link is not None:
print(f"💔 Sorry! {x} is not in the list.")
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = p.link
p.link = temp
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_node_at_position(self, data, k):
Inserts an integer in k position of the linked list
# if we wish to insert at the first node
if k == 1:
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = self.start
self.start = temp
p = self.start
i = 1
while i < k-1 and p is not None:
p = p.link
i += 1
if p is None:
print(f"💛 The max position is {i}")
temp = Node(data)
temp.link = self.start
self.start = temp
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def delete_a_node(self, x):
Deletes a node of a linked list
# If list is empty
if self.start is None:
print("💔 Sorry! The list is empty.")
# If there is only one node
if self.start.info == x:
self.start = self.start.link
# If more than one node exists
p = self.start
while p.link is not None:
if p.link.info == x:
p = p.link
if p.link is None:
print(f"💔 Sorry! {x} is not in the list.")
p.link = p.link.link
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def delete_sll_first_node(self):
Deletes the first node of a linked list
if self.start is None:
self.start = self.start.link
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def delete_sll_last_node(self):
Deletes the last node of a linked list
# If the list is empty
if self.start is None:
# If there is only one node
if self.start.link is None:
self.start = None
# If there is more than one node
p = self.start
# Increment until we find the node prior to the last node
while p.link.link is not None:
p = p.link
p.link = None
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def reverse_sll(self):
Reverses the linked list
prev = None
p = self.start
while p is not None:
next = p.link
p.link = prev
prev = p
p = next
self.start = prev
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def bubble_sort_sll_nodes_data(self):
Bubble sorts the linked list on integer values
# If the list is empty or there is only one node
if self.start is None or self.start.link is None:
print("💛 The list has no or only one node and sorting is not required.")
end = None
while end != self.start.link:
p = self.start
while p.link != end:
q = p.link
if p.info > q.info:
p.info, q.info = q.info, p.info
p = p.link
end = p
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def bubble_sort_sll(self):
Bubble sorts the linked list
# If the list is empty or there is only one node
if self.start is None or self.start.link is None:
print("💛 The list has no or only one node and sorting is not required.")
end = None
while end != self.start.link:
r = p = self.start
while p.link != end:
q = p.link
if p.info > q.info:
p.link = q.link
q.link = p
if p != self.start:
r.link = q.link
self.start = q
p, q = q, p
r = p
p = p.link
end = p
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def sll_has_cycle(self):
Tests the list for cycles using Tortoise and Hare Algorithm (Floyd's cycle detection algorithm)
if self.find_sll_cycle() is None:
return False
return True
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def find_sll_cycle(self):
Finds cycles in the list, if any
# If there is one node or none, there is no cycle
if self.start is None or self.start.link is None:
return None
# Otherwise,
slowR = self.start
fastR = self.start
while slowR is not None and fastR is not None:
slowR = slowR.link
fastR = fastR.link.link
if slowR == fastR:
return slowR
return None
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def remove_cycle_from_sll(self):
Removes the cycles
c = self.find_sll_cycle()
# If there is no cycle
if c is None:
print(f"💛 There is a cycle at node: ", c.info)
p = c
q = c
len_cycles = 0
while True:
len_cycles += 1
q = q.link
if p == q:
print(f"💛 The cycle length is {len_cycles}")
len_rem_list = 0
p = self.start
while p != q:
len_rem_list += 1
p = p.link
q = q.link
print(f"💛 The number of nodes not included in the cycle is {len_rem_list}")
length_list = len_rem_list + len_cycles
print(f"💛 The SLL length is {length_list}")
# This for loop goes to the end of the SLL, and set the last node to None and the cycle is removed.
p = self.start
for _ in range(length_list-1):
p = p.link
p.link = None
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def insert_cycle_in_sll(self, x):
Inserts a cycle at a node that contains x
if self.start is None:
return False
p = self.start
px = None
prev = None
while p is not None:
if p.info == x:
px = p
prev = p
p = p.link
if px is not None:
prev.link = px
print(f"💔 Sorry! {x} is not in the list.")
except Exception as e:
print("💛 Error: ", e)
def merge_using_new_list(self, list2):
Merges two already sorted SLLs by creating new lists
merge_list = SingleLinkedList()
merge_list.start = self._merge_using_new_list(self.start, list2.start)
return merge_list
def _merge_using_new_list(self, p1, p2):
Private method of merge_using_new_list
if p1.info <= p2.info:
Start_merge = Node(p1.info)
p1 = p1.link
Start_merge = Node(p2.info)
p2 = p2.link
pM = Start_merge
while p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
if p1.info <= p2.info:
pM.link = Node(p1.info)
p1 = p1.link
pM.link = Node(p2.info)
p2 = p2.link
pM = pM.link
#If the second list is finished, yet the first list has some nodes
while p1 is not None:
pM.link = Node(p1.info)
p1 = p1.link
pM = pM.link
#If the second list is finished, yet the first list has some nodes
while p2 is not None:
pM.link = Node(p2.info)
p2 = p2.link
pM = pM.link
return Start_merge
def merge_inplace(self, list2):
Merges two already sorted SLLs in place in O(1) of space
merge_list = SingleLinkedList()
merge_list.start = self._merge_inplace(self.start, list2.start)
return merge_list
def _merge_inplace(self, p1, p2):
Merges two already sorted SLLs in place in O(1) of space
if p1.info <= p2.info:
Start_merge = p1
p1 = p1.link
Start_merge = p2
p2 = p2.link
pM = Start_merge
while p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
if p1.info <= p2.info:
pM.link = p1
pM = pM.link
p1 = p1.link
pM.link = p2
pM = pM.link
p2 = p2.link
if p1 is None:
pM.link = p2
pM.link = p1
return Start_merge
def merge_sort_sll(self):
Sorts the linked list using merge sort algorithm
self.start = self._merge_sort_recursive(self.start)
def _merge_sort_recursive(self, list_start):
Recursively calls the merge sort algorithm for two divided lists
# If the list is empty or has only one node
if list_start is None or list_start.link is None:
return list_start
# If the list has two nodes or more
start_one = list_start
start_two = self._divide_list(self_start)
start_one = self._merge_sort_recursive(start_one)
start_two = self._merge_sort_recursive(start_two)
start_merge = self._merge_inplace(start_one, start_two)
return start_merge
def _divide_list(self, p):
Divides the linked list into two almost equally sized lists
# Refers to the third nodes of the list
q = p.link.link
while q is not None and p is not None:
# Increments p one node at the time
p = p.link
# Increments q two nodes at the time
q = q.link.link
start_two = p.link
p.link = None
return start_two
def concat_second_list_to_sll(self, list2):
Concatenates another SLL to an existing SLL
# If the second SLL has no node
if list2.start is None:
# If the original SLL has no node
if self.start is None:
self.start = list2.start
# Otherwise traverse the original SLL
p = self.start
while p.link is not None:
p = p.link
# Link the last node to the first node of the second SLL
p.link = list2.start
def test_merge_using_new_list_and_inplace(self):
LIST_ONE = SingleLinkedList()
LIST_TWO = SingleLinkedList()
print("1️⃣ The unsorted first list is: ")
print("2️⃣ The unsorted second list is: ")
print("1️⃣ The sorted first list is: ")
print("2️⃣ The sorted second list is: ")
LIST_THREE = LIST_ONE.merge_using_new_list(LIST_TWO)
print("The merged list by creating a new list is: ")
LIST_FOUR = LIST_ONE.merge_inplace(LIST_TWO)
print("The in-place merged list is: ")
def test_all_methods(self):
Tests all methods of the SLL class
Select a method from 1-19:
ℹ️ (1) 👉 Create a single liked list (SLL).
ℹ️ (2) 👉 Display the SLL.
ℹ️ (3) 👉 Count the nodes of SLL.
ℹ️ (4) 👉 Search the SLL.
ℹ️ (5) 👉 Insert a node at the beginning of the SLL.
ℹ️ (6) 👉 Insert a node at the end of the SLL.
ℹ️ (7) 👉 Insert a node after a specified node of the SLL.
ℹ️ (8) 👉 Insert a node before a specified node of the SLL.
ℹ️ (9) 👉 Delete the first node of SLL.
ℹ️ (10) 👉 Delete the last node of the SLL.
ℹ️ (11) 👉 Delete a node you wish to remove.
ℹ️ (12) 👉 Reverse the SLL.
ℹ️ (13) 👉 Bubble sort the SLL by only exchanging the integer values.
ℹ️ (14) 👉 Bubble sort the SLL by exchanging links.
ℹ️ (15) 👉 Merge sort the SLL.
ℹ️ (16) 👉 Insert a cycle in the SLL.
ℹ️ (17) 👉 Detect if the SLL has a cycle.
ℹ️ (18) 👉 Remove cycle in the SLL.
ℹ️ (19) 👉 Test merging two bubble-sorted SLLs.
ℹ️ (20) 👉 Concatenate a second list to the SLL.
ℹ️ (21) 👉 Exit.
while True:
UI_OPTION = int(input("👉 Enter an integer for the method you wish to run using the above help: "))
if UI_OPTION == 1:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted at the end of the list: "))
x = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted after that: "))
self.insert_node_after_another(data, x)
elif UI_OPTION == 2:
elif UI_OPTION == 3:
elif UI_OPTION == 4:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be searched: "))
elif UI_OPTION == 5:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted at the beginning: "))
elif UI_OPTION == 6:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted at the end: "))
elif UI_OPTION == 7:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted: "))
x = int(input("👉 Enter an integer to be inserted before that: "))
self.insert_node_before_another(data, x)
elif UI_OPTION == 8:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer for the node to be inserted: "))
k = int(input("👉 Enter an integer for the position at which you wish to insert the node: "))
self.insert_node_before_another(data, k)
elif UI_OPTION == 9:
elif UI_OPTION == 10:
elif UI_OPTION == 11:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer for the node you wish to remove: "))
elif UI_OPTION == 12:
elif UI_OPTION == 13:
elif UI_OPTION == 14:
elif UI_OPTION == 15:
elif UI_OPTION == 16:
data = int(input("👉 Enter an integer at which a cycle has to be formed: "))
elif UI_OPTION == 17:
if self.sll_has_cycle():
print("💛 The linked list has a cycle. ")
print("💚 YAAAY! The linked list does not have a cycle. ")
elif UI_OPTION == 18:
elif UI_OPTION == 19:
elif UI_OPTION == 20:
list2 = self.create_single_linked_list()
elif UI_OPTION == 21:
print("💛 Option must be an integer, between 1 to 21.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Instantiates a new SLL object
SLL_OBJECT = SingleLinkedList()