如何在 SpringBoot 中为所有控制器指定前缀?

我有到 /user/order的控制器映射:

public class UserController {

public class OrderController {

我想通过 URL 分别在 http://localhost:8080/api/usershttp://localhost:8080/api/orders访问它们。

如何在 Spring Boot 中实现这一点?

110727 次浏览

You can provide a mapping to root context path of your spring boot application to /api/* in your custom configuration.

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.DispatcherServletAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.ServletRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet;

public class DispatcherServletCustomConfiguration {

public DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet() {
return new DispatcherServlet();

public ServletRegistrationBean dispatcherServletRegistration() {
ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(
dispatcherServlet(), "/api/");
return registration;

or add this to your application.properties in src\main\resources folder



As of Spring Boot 2.x the property has been deprecated and should be replaced with


More you find here Spring Boot Context Root and here Add servlet mapping to DispatcherServlet

If you want to add prefix just for some controllers I found two others solutions

Option 1 - Use spring SpEL to add a prefix variable for your controllers

@RequestMapping(path = "${v1API}/users")
public class V1FruitsController {

@GetMapping(path = "")
public String list(){
return "[\"Joe\", \"Peter\"]";



Option 2 - Create a custom controller annotation

public @interface V1APIController {
@AliasFor(annotation = Component.class)
String value() default "";

public class UserController {

public String index(){
return "[\"Joe\", \"Peter\"]";

then test it

curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/v1/users

If you are using spring boot 2 (spring framework 5), there is a replacement of the property in your application.properties:




For those interested, here is a Kotlin take on deFreitas' Option 2 Component as I was unable to use spring.data.rest.basePath or server.servlet.contextPath in application.yaml. (This is with Spring Boot 2.1.2 and Kotlin 1.13.11)

package com.myproject.controller

import org.springframework.core.annotation.AliasFor
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping

import kotlin.annotation.MustBeDocumented
import kotlin.annotation.Retention
import kotlin.annotation.Target
import kotlin.annotation.AnnotationRetention

@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FILE)
annotation class V1ApiController(
@get:AliasFor(annotation = Component::class)
val value: String = ""

If you're using IntelliJ, optimizing imports will probably remove the Kotlin annotation imports for brevity.

Add your default path in the application.properties as:


Here /mainPath will be the prefix for all the controller

server.servlet.context-path is the correct path. Not server.servlet.contextPath, and unfortunately it doesn't seem to support lists which you could do in web.xml like this:

<description>Servlet used by Spring MVC to handle all requests into the application</description>

Additional. If you use .yaml, you could write it as:

context-path: /api

In addition to the other comments about changing the application property for the context path, you can also use an application property to set the prefix for the dispatcher servlet alone, in Spring Boot 2.3.1.


The request mappings would not change in your controllers. While context path moves the entire application to a different path, servlet path only limits the URLs that are handled by the dispatcher servlet. The servlet path is the equivalent of the servlet mapping in web.xml. Other resources that do not use the dispatcher servlet can be accessed from any other URL.

If you have other controllers that are not mapped to the /api prefix, then this will not work, unless you declare a second dispatcher servlet with a different prefix for those controllers.

In application.yml add this:

context-path: "/contextPath"

Add this at application.properties
