是否可以确定 ViewController 是否以 Modal 的形式出现?

是否可以在 ViewController 类中检查它是否表示为模态视图控制器?

62030 次浏览

如果没有,可以在 UIViewController 子类中为此定义一个属性(presentedAsModal) ,并将其设置为 YES,然后将 ViewController 显示为模态视图。

childVC.presentedAsModal = YES;
[parentVC presentModalViewController:childVC animated:YES];

您可以在 viewWillAppear重写中检查此值。


This should work.

if(self.parentViewController.modalViewController == self)…


UIViewController* child = self;
UIViewController* parent = child.parentViewController;
while (parent && parent.modalViewController != child) {
child = parent;
parent = child.parentViewController;
if (parent) {
// A view controller in the hierarchy was presented as a modal view controller


如果你正在寻找 iOS6 + ,这个答案是不推荐的,你应该选择 Gabriele Petronella 的回答

There is no neat way to do that, as a property or method native to UIKit. What you can do is to check several aspects of your controller to ensure it is presented as modal.

因此,为了检查 目前(在下面的代码中表示为 self)控制器是否以模态方式呈现,我将下面的函数放在 UIViewController类别中,或者(如果您的项目不需要使用其他 UIKit 控制器,例如 UITableViewController)放在我的其他控制器继承的基础控制器中

-(BOOL)isModal {

BOOL isModal = ((self.parentViewController && self.parentViewController.modalViewController == self) ||
//or if I have a navigation controller, check if its parent modal view controller is self navigation controller
( self.navigationController && self.navigationController.parentViewController && self.navigationController.parentViewController.modalViewController == self.navigationController) ||
//or if the parent of my UITabBarController is also a UITabBarController class, then there is no way to do that, except by using a modal presentation
[[[self tabBarController] parentViewController] isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]]);

//iOS 5+
if (!isModal && [self respondsToSelector:@selector(presentingViewController)]) {

isModal = ((self.presentingViewController && self.presentingViewController.modalViewController == self) ||
//or if I have a navigation controller, check if its parent modal view controller is self navigation controller
(self.navigationController && self.navigationController.presentingViewController && self.navigationController.presentingViewController.modalViewController == self.navigationController) ||
//or if the parent of my UITabBarController is also a UITabBarController class, then there is no way to do that, except by using a modal presentation
[[[self tabBarController] presentingViewController] isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]]);


return isModal;


编辑: I added the last check to see if a UITabBarController is being used, and you present another UITabBarController as modal.

编辑2: 添加 iOS5 + 检查,其中 UIViewController不再回答 parentViewController,而是 presentingViewController

编辑3: 我已经为它创建了一个要点,以防 https://gist.github.com/3174081

如果你不需要区分全屏模态视图和非模态视图,我的项目就是这种情况(我正在处理一个只有表单和页面表单才会出现的问题) ,你可以使用 UIViewController 的 modalPresentationStyle 属性:

switch (self.modalPresentationStyle) {
case 0: NSLog(@"full screen, or not modal"); break;
case 1: NSLog(@"page sheet"); break;
case 2: NSLog(@"form sheet"); break;

在 iOS5 + 中,正如您在 类引用中看到的,您可以从属性“ presingViewController”获得它。

呈现 ViewController 显示此视图控制器的视图控制器。(只读)

@ property (非原子,readonly) UIViewController * presingViewController
讨论 < br/>


可在 iOS 5.0及更高版本中使用。
Declared In

由于 modalViewController在 iOS6中已经被弃用,这里有一个版本可以在 iOS5 + 中使用,并且可以在没有警告的情况下编译。

目标 C:

- (BOOL)isModal {
return self.presentingViewController.presentedViewController == self
|| (self.navigationController != nil && self.navigationController.presentingViewController.presentedViewController == self.navigationController)
|| [self.tabBarController.presentingViewController isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]];


var isModal: Bool {
return self.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self
|| (self.navigationController != nil && self.navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self.navigationController)
|| self.tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController



 if (self.navigationController.presentingViewController) {
NSLog(@"Model Present");


// this is the trick: set parent view controller as application's window root view controller
UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate.window.rootViewController = viewController;

// assert no modal view is presented

// simulate button tap which shows modal view controller
[viewController.deleteButton sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

// assert that modal view controller is presented
XCTAssertEqualObjects(viewController.presentedViewController.class, MyModalViewController.class);

就我测试的情况来看,它适用于 iOS7和 iOS8,但是没有在 iOS6上试用过。


func isUIViewControllerPresentedAsModal() -> Bool {
if((self.presentingViewController) != nil) {
return true

if(self.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self) {
return true

if(self.navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self.navigationController) {
return true

if((self.tabBarController?.presentingViewController?.isKindOfClass(UITabBarController)) != nil) {
return true

return false

在我的项目中,我有一个视图控制器(详细信息) ,它可以通过主视图控制器模式化地(在添加新项目时)或者通过 push (在编辑现有项目时)显示。当用户点击[完成]详细视图控制器调用主视图控制器的方法来通知它已经准备好被关闭。为了知道如何关闭它,Master 必须确定 Detail 是如何显示的。我是这么做的:

UIViewController *vc = self.navigationController.viewControllers.lastObject;
if (vc == self) {
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:NULL];
} else {
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];


- (BOOL)isModal {
BOOL modal = NO;
if ([self presentingViewController]) { //Some view Controller is presenting the current stack
UIViewController *presented = [[self presentingViewController] presentedViewController]; // What's been presented
if ([presented respondsToSelector:@selector(viewControllers)]) { // There's a stack
NSArray *viewControllers = [presented performSelector:@selector(viewControllers)];
modal = [viewControllers firstObject] == self; // Current VC is presented modally if it's the first in the stack
else {
modal = presented == self; // Don't think this is actually needed. set modal = YES should do the job tho.
return modal;


Petronella 的回答 不起作用,如果 self. NavigationController 是模态表示的,但 self 不等于 self. NavigationController.viewControllers [0] ,在这种情况下,self 是被推动的。


return self.presentingViewController.presentedViewController == self
|| (self.navigationController != nil && self.navigationController.presentingViewController.presentedViewController == self.navigationController && self == self.navigationController.viewControllers[0])
|| [self.tabBarController.presentingViewController isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]];


return self.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self
|| (self.navigationController != nil && self.navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == self.navigationController && self.navigationController?.viewControllers[0] == self)
|| self.tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController

这是我修改后的@GabrielePetronella 的 isModal,它与包含的视图控制器一起工作,因为它首先沿着 ParentViewController 层次结构向上走。同时将代码分成多行,这样就可以清楚地看到它在做什么。

var isModal: Bool {
// If we are a child view controller, we need to check our parent's presentation
// rather than our own.  So walk up the chain until we don't see any parentViewControllers
var potentiallyPresentedViewController : UIViewController = self
while (potentiallyPresentedViewController.parentViewController != nil) {
potentiallyPresentedViewController = potentiallyPresentedViewController.parentViewController!

if self.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == potentiallyPresentedViewController {
return true

if let navigationController = potentiallyPresentedViewController.navigationController {
if navigationController.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == navigationController {
return true

return potentiallyPresentedViewController.tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController