不区分大小写的 arparse 选择

是否有可能以不区分大小写的方式检查 Argparse 选择

import argparse
choices = ["win64", "win32"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", choices=choices)
print(parser.parse_args(["-p", "Win32"]))


usage: choices.py [-h] [-p {win64,win32}]
choices.py: error: argument -p: invalid choice: 'Win32' (choose from 'win64','win32')
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Transform the argument into lowercase by using

type = str.lower

for the -p switch.

This solution was pointed out by chepner in a comment. The solution I proposed earlier was

type = lambda s : s.lower()

which is also valid, but it's simpler to just use str.lower.

Using lower in the type is nice way of doing this, if you don't mind loosing the case information.

If you want to retain the case, you could define a custom choices class. The choices needs two methods, __contains__ (for testing in), and iteration (to list the choices).

class mylist(list):
# list subclass that uses lower() when testing for 'in'
def __contains__(self, other):
return super(mylist,self).__contains__(other.lower())
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", choices=choices)
print(parser.parse_args(["-p", "Win32"]))
# Namespace(p='Win32')

The help is:

usage: ipython [-h] [-p {win64,win32}]

optional arguments:
-h, --help        show this help message and exit
-p {win64,win32}

Keeping the case information would also be possible with a one liner:

type = lambda arg: {x.lower(): x for x in choices}[arg.lower()],

Where choices would be the same list as passed to the choices parameter.

To clarify @5gon12eder's answer, you need to include the "type" as another paramater to add_argument:

parser.add_argument("-p", choices=choices, type=str.lower)

This will make sure that the input is lowercased.
Make sure to NOT add parentheses after lower.