如何用 netcat 等待打开的端口?

我想做一个有 Jenkins 的自定义 Dockerfile。我会等到端口8080打开,而不是做一个丑陋的’睡眠60’与 netcat,但我不是很有信心与 bash 脚本和 netcat。




while [ "$opened"  == "0" ]; do
echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."
nc -vz localhost 8080

echo "Jenkins launched"
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You can't set netcat to wait until some port is open, so you have to add part for waiting before next check is made. Try this:


echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."

while ! nc -z localhost 8080; do
sleep 0.1 # wait for 1/10 of the second before check again

echo "Jenkins launched"

I have found this a common enough problem to write a utility to wait for a port to open, with an optional timeout:

# without timeout
wait-port localhost:8080

# timeout after a minute
wait-port -t 60000 localhost:8080

It's open source and available at github.com/dwmkerr/wait-port. Hopefully others will find it useful!

As suggested here, you could also do the following if you don't have nc installed but just bash and coreutils:


echo "Waiting jenkins to launch on 8080..."

while ! timeout 1 bash -c "echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/8080"; do
sleep 1

echo "Jenkins launched"

To expand on user987339's answer, here's how to easily wait for a port in your terminal:

waitport function

Add this function to your ~/.bashrc setup file:

waitport() {
while ! nc -z localhost $1 ; do sleep 1 ; done

Log out then back in to load ~/.bashrc. Then, run this command to verify that port 3000 has a server listening to it:

$ waitport 3000
Connection to localhost port 3000 [tcp/hbci] succeeded!

This has been validated on macOS. It might not work on Fedora/CentOS, as they lack the -z option for netcat.

I suggest the following one liners:

## netcat version:
timeout 22 sh -c 'until nc -z $0 $1; do sleep 1; done' stackoverflow.com 443

## pure bash version:
timeout 22 bash -c 'until printf "" 2>>/dev/null >>/dev/tcp/$0/$1; do sleep 1; done' stackoverflow.com 443

Both commands exit as soon as connection is established, trying every second for up to 22 seconds.

Note that thanks to timeout command exit code is 0 when port is accessible otherwise 124 (if no connection established within given time).

For those people who are having trouble with nc: invalid option -- 'z'

I was trying to set this up in a docker image. Surprisingly, there was no option of -z in nc in that image.

Image was - Linux elasticsearch 4.4.0-101-generic #124~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 19:05:36 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I used the following loop to wait until the port was opened.


echo "Waiting elastic search to launch on 9200..."

while [ $open -eq 0 ]
check_port=`nc -v -w 1 -i 1 9200 &> /dev/stdout`
echo $check_port
if [[ "$check_port" == *"Connected to"* ]]
sleep 1

echo "Elastic Search launched"

Following is the one-liner of the above script:

open=0;while [ $open -eq 0 ]; do check_port=`nc -v -w 1 -i 1 9200 &> /dev/stdout`; echo $check_port; if [[ "$check_port" == *"Connected to"* ]]; then   break; fi; sleep 1; done

To add onto the excellent answers above, if this is something used very often it may be worthwhile to use tooling for that purpose. I wrote and use uup all the time for this use case.

In your example, the command to run would be:

uup localhost:8080 -r

providing an output like: enter image description here

I have written a utility to wait for a port to open, it can also check MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and etc availability.

# Checking TCP port
wait4x tcp localhost:8080

# Checking TCP port with specific timeout (5 Minutes)
wait4x tcp localhost:8080 -t 5m

It's open source and available at https://github.com/atkrad/wait4x. Hopefully others will find it useful!

Here is a for-loop example that has a timeout, so it tries e.g. for 10 times, with exponential backoff (2,4,8,16 seconds etc), but finally gives up. Netcat has also 1 second timeout.

for EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF in {1..10}; do
nc -w 1 -z db.local 3306 && break;
echo "db not yet available, sleeping for $DELAY seconds"
sleep $DELAY

The output is:

db not yet available, sleeping for 2 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 4 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 8 seconds
db not yet available, sleeping for 16 seconds

I use this script to check the port before running tests on CI.


for _ in `seq 1 20`; do
echo -n .
if nc -z localhost $1; then
exit 0
sleep 0.5

exit 1
$ bin/wait-port 3306

Here is my one-line Bash solution (with netcat) that waits for 10 sec for a TCP connection, and give you feedback whether succeeded or not and while is waiting, and return an exit 0 code if the port is open, otherwise 1:

bash -c 'echo -n "Waiting port 8080 .."; for _ in `seq 1 40`; do echo -n .; sleep 0.25; nc -z localhost 8080 && echo " Open." && exit ; done; echo " Timeout!" >&2; exit 1'

You can replace the hardcoded port 8080 by $1 and remove the bash -c if the snippet is saved in a script file wait-port than then is called within a console with: wait-port 8080.

This is a recording of 3 terminals, two waiting until a port is opened and the other terminals open one of the port, so while one of the wait succeed, the other timed-out:

wait-port test

Although the line has many instructions not one, it may be useful if you need to execute the wait "remotely" in a host where you cannot store the script first, e.g. in a Docker container.

I used this to wait for a couple of ports to be open, without netcat:

while (! (: </dev/tcp/localhost/27017) &> /dev/null || ! (: </dev/tcp/localhost/9200) &> /dev/null); do
sleep 2;

Change localhost and the ports as needed.