如何使用视图在 php 中回显当前 Laravel 版本?

我不想在命令提示符(php artisan --version)中检查 Laravel 版本,而是在视图本身中。


$laravel_version = /*laravel version check code*/;


{{ $laravel_version }}

有人知道我怎么做到的吗? 也许这不可能... ?

108269 次浏览
$laravel = app();
$version = $laravel::VERSION;

This is the way how to see laravel version in command explorer:

php artisan --version

Here is an easiest way to check it manually from the folder

Go to project folder


const VERSION = '5.2.45'; //version of laravel enter image description here

This is the another way to check it.

If you don't want to check using this command php artisan --version

In Laravel's Blade templates:

\{\{ App::VERSION() }}

Note that this is tested in 5.3x

you can use this code in routing file of your laravell installation

 $app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
return $app->version();

On view you will get installed version of laravell.

global $app;
echo $app::VERSION;

There are different ways of coding, I found multiple ways to current version find in Laravel

View current Laravel version through Blade Templates, there are many ways:

First way

\{\{ App::VERSION() }}

Second way

echo $app::VERSION;

Third way

$laravel = app();
echo $laravel::VERSION;

Also, the Laravel version installed can be checked in the command line using the following command :

php artisan --version

Displaying Your Current Laravel Version

You may also view the current version of your Laravel installation using the --version option:

php artisan --version

Another way that works throughout your app - Blade templates or otherwise - is to use:


Only for a specific Project Folder to know the Laravel version of that project on CLI

$  php artisan --version

remove $ while copying only for representation purpose

  • ubunut 16.04
  • php 7.0.33
  • Laravel Framework 5.5.48

    php artisan --version

    Artisan -Artisan is the name of the command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application. It is driven by the powerful Symfony Console component.

for more-

    php artisan list

One More way. Just go to the root directory of the project.
Hit below commands

php artisan tinker

Tinker is amazing.