* Recursively sets a {@link Typeface} to all
* {@link TextView}s in a {@link ViewGroup}.
public static final void setAppFont(ViewGroup mContainer, Typeface mFont, boolean reflect)
if (mContainer == null || mFont == null) return;
final int mCount = mContainer.getChildCount();
// Loop through all of the children.
for (int i = 0; i < mCount; ++i)
final View mChild = mContainer.getChildAt(i);
if (mChild instanceof TextView)
// Set the font if it is a TextView.
((TextView) mChild).setTypeface(mFont);
else if (mChild instanceof ViewGroup)
// Recursively attempt another ViewGroup.
setAppFont((ViewGroup) mChild, mFont);
else if (reflect)
try {
Method mSetTypeface = mChild.getClass().getMethod("setTypeface", Typeface.class);
mSetTypeface.invoke(mChild, mFont);
} catch (Exception e) { /* Do something... */ }
final Typeface mFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),
final ViewGroup mContainer = (ViewGroup) findViewById(
HomeActivity.setAppFont(mContainer, mFont);
public void setTypeface(Typeface tf, int style) {
//to handle bold, you could also handle italic or other styles here as well
if (style == 1){
tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getApplicationContext().getAssets(), "MuseoSans700.otf");
tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getApplicationContext().getAssets(), "MuseoSans500.otf");
super.setTypeface(tf, 0);
protected void changeChildrenFont(ViewGroup v, Typeface font){
for(int i = 0; i < v.getChildCount(); i++){
// For the ViewGroup, we'll have to use recursivity
if(v.getChildAt(i) instanceof ViewGroup){
changeChildrenFont((ViewGroup) v.getChildAt(i), font);
try {
Object[] nullArgs = null;
//Test wether setTypeface and getTypeface methods exists
Method methodTypeFace = v.getChildAt(i).getClass().getMethod("setTypeface", new Class[] {Typeface.class, Integer.TYPE});
//With getTypefaca we'll get back the style (Bold, Italic...) set in XML
Method methodGetTypeFace = v.getChildAt(i).getClass().getMethod("getTypeface", new Class[] {});
Typeface typeFace = ((Typeface)methodGetTypeFace.invoke(v.getChildAt(i), nullArgs));
//Invoke the method and apply the new font with the defined style to the view if the method exists (textview,...)
methodTypeFace.invoke(v.getChildAt(i), new Object[] {font, typeFace == null ? 0 : typeFace.getStyle()});
//Will catch the view with no such methods (listview...)
catch (Exception e) {
public class Font {
private static Font font;
public Typeface ROBO_LIGHT;
private Font() {
public static Font getInstance(Context context) {
if (font == null) {
font = new Font();
return font;
public void init(Context context) {
ROBO_LIGHT = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(),
public class FontHelper {
private static Font font;
public static void applyFont(View parentView, Context context) {
font = Font.getInstance(context);
private static void apply(ViewGroup parentView) {
for (int i = 0; i < parentView.getChildCount(); i++) {
View view = parentView.getChildAt(i);
//You can add any view element here on which you want to apply font
if (view instanceof EditText) {
((EditText) view).setTypeface(font.ROBO_LIGHT);
if (view instanceof TextView) {
((TextView) view).setTypeface(font.ROBO_LIGHT);
else if (view instanceof ViewGroup
&& ((ViewGroup) view).getChildCount() > 0) {
apply((ViewGroup) view);
public static final void setAppFont(ViewGroup mContainer, Typeface mFont, boolean reflect)
if (mContainer == null || mFont == null) return;
final int mCount = mContainer.getChildCount();
// Loop through all of the children.
for (int i = 0; i < mCount; ++i)
final View mChild = mContainer.getChildAt(i);
if (mChild instanceof TextView)
// Set the font if it is a TextView.
((TextView) mChild).setTypeface(mFont);
else if (mChild instanceof ViewGroup)
// Recursively attempt another ViewGroup.
setAppFont((ViewGroup) mChild, mFont);
else if (reflect)
try {
Method mSetTypeface = mChild.getClass().getMethod("setTypeface", Typeface.class);
mSetTypeface.invoke(mChild, mFont);
} catch (Exception e) { /* Do something... */ }
final ViewGroup mContainer = (ViewGroup) findViewById(
HomeActivity.setAppFont(mContainer, Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),