为什么 T-SQL 中的 PRINT 语句似乎只是有时候起作用?使用它的限制是什么?似乎有时候,如果生成一个结果集,它就会变成一个空函数,我假设这样做是为了防止破坏结果集,但是它的输出是否可以不在另一个结果集中输出,比如行计数?

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So, if you have a statement something like the following, you're saying that you get no 'print' result?

select * from sysobjects
PRINT 'Just selected * from sysobjects'

If you're using SQL Query Analyzer, you'll see that there are two tabs down at the bottom, one of which is "Messages" and that's where the 'print' statements will show up.
If you're concerned about the timing of seeing the print statements, you may want to try using something like

raiserror ('My Print Statement', 10,1) with nowait

This will give you the message immediately as the statement is reached, rather than buffering the output, as the Query Analyzer will do under most conditions.

The Print statement in TSQL is a misunderstood creature, probably because of its name. It actually sends a message to the error/message-handling mechanism that then transfers it to the calling application. PRINT is pretty dumb. You can only send 8000 characters (4000 unicode chars). You can send a literal string, a string variable (varchar or char) or a string expression. If you use RAISERROR, then you are limited to a string of just 2,044 characters. However, it is much easier to use it to send information to the calling application since it calls a formatting function similar to the old printf in the standard C library. RAISERROR can also specify an error number, a severity, and a state code in addition to the text message, and it can also be used to return user-defined messages created using the sp_addmessage system stored procedure. You can also force the messages to be logged.

Your error-handling routines won’t be any good for receiving messages, despite messages and errors being so similar. The technique varies, of course, according to the actual way you connect to the database (OLBC, OLEDB etc). In order to receive and deal with messages from the SQL Server Database Engine, when you’re using System.Data.SQLClient, you’ll need to create a SqlInfoMessageEventHandler delegate, identifying the method that handles the event, to listen for the InfoMessage event on the SqlConnection class. You’ll find that message-context information such as severity and state are passed as arguments to the callback, because from the system perspective, these messages are just like errors.

It is always a good idea to have a way of getting these messages in your application, even if you are just spooling to a file, because there is always going to be a use for them when you are trying to chase a really obscure problem. However, I can’t think I’d want the end users to ever see them unless you can reserve an informational level that displays stuff in the application.

For the benefit of anyone else reading this question that really is missing print statements from their output, there actually are cases where the print executes but is not returned to the client. I can't tell you specifically what they are. I can tell you that if you put a go statement immediately before and after any print statement, you will see if it is executed.

Query Analyzer buffers messages. The PRINT and RAISERROR statements both use this buffer, but the RAISERROR statement has a WITH NOWAIT option. To print a message immediately use the following:

RAISERROR ('Your message', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT

RAISERROR will only display 400 characters of your message and uses a syntax similar to the C printf function for formatting text.

Please note that the use of RAISERROR with the WITH NOWAIT option will flush the message buffer, so all previously buffered information will be output also.

I recently ran into this, and it ended up being because I had a convert statement on a null variable. Since that was causing errors, the entire print statement was rendering as null, and not printing at all.

Example - This will fail:

declare @myID int=null
print 'First Statement: ' + convert(varchar(4), @myID)

Example - This will print:

declare @myID int=null
print 'Second Statement: ' +  coalesce(Convert(varchar(4), @myID),'@myID is null')

Do you have variables that are associated with these print statements been output? if so, I have found that if the variable has no value then the print statement will not be ouput.