#! /usr/bin/env python3
# This demonstrates how to pick the attiributes of an object
class C(object) :
def __init__ (self, name="q" ):
self.q = name
self.m = "y?"
c = C()
print ( dir(c) )
def dirmore(instance):
visible = dir(instance)
visible += [a for a in set(dir(type)).difference(visible)
if hasattr(instance, a)]
return sorted(visible)
import inspect
class NewClass(object):
def __init__(self, number):
self.multi = int(number) * 2
self.str = str(number)
def func_1(self):
inst = NewClass(2)
for i in inspect.getmembers(inst):
# Ignores anything starting with underscore
# (that is, private and protected attributes)
if not i[0].startswith('_'):
# Ignores methods
if not inspect.ismethod(i[1]):
class new_class():
def __init__(self, number):
self.multi = int(number) * 2
self.str = str(number)
new_object = new_class(2)
print(dir(new_object)) #total list attributes of new_object
attr_value = new_object.__dict__
print(attr_value) #Dictionary of attribute and value for new_class
for attr in attr_value: #attributes on new_class
from typing import Dict
def get_attrs( x : object ) -> Dict[str, object]:
mro = type( x ).mro()
attrs = { }
has_dict = False
sentinel = object()
for klass in mro:
for slot in getattr( klass, "__slots__", () ):
v = getattr( x, slot, sentinel )
if v is sentinel:
if slot == "__dict__":
assert not has_dict, "Multiple __dicts__?"
attrs.update( v )
has_dict = True
attrs[slot] = v
if not has_dict:
attrs.update( getattr( x, "__dict__", { } ) )
return attrs