function printAllFiles($dir) {
foreach (getAllDirectories($dir) as $f) {
printAllFiles($f); // here is the recursive call
foreach (getAllFiles($dir) as $f) {
echo $f;
var depth = 0;
function walkTree(node, i) {
//Increment our depth counter and check
if (i > depth) depth = i;
//call this function again for each of the branch nodes (recursion!)
if (node.left != null) walkTree(node.left, i);
if (node.right != null) walkTree(node.right, i);
//Decrement our depth counter before going back up the call stack
$timeToGoHome = '23'; // Let's give ourselves an hour for last call and getting home
function orderAndDrinkBeer($timeToGoHome) { // Let's create the function that's going to call itself.
$beer = New Beer(); // Let's grab ourselves a new beer
$currentTime = date('G'); // Current hour in 24-hour format
while ($beer->status != 'empty') { // Time to commence the drinking loop
$beer->drink(); // Take a sip or two of the beer(or chug if that's your preference)
// Now we're out of the drinking loop and ready for a new beer
if ($currentTime < $timeToGoHome) { // BUT only if we got the time
orderAndDrinkBeer($timeToGoHome); // So we make the function call itself again!
} else { // Aw, snap! It is time :S
break; // Let's go home :(