在 Python 中,访问(类似结构体的)对象的最快速度是多少?

我正在优化一些代码,它们的主要瓶颈是运行和访问一个非常大的类 struct 对象列表。目前,为了便于阅读,我使用的是名称元组。但是,一些使用‘ timeit’的快速基准测试表明,在性能是一个因素的情况下,这种做法实际上是错误的:

具有 a,b,c 的命名元组:

>>> timeit("z = a.c", "from __main__ import a")

使用 __slots__和 a、 b、 c 初始化:

>>> timeit("z = b.c", "from __main__ import b")

关键字 a,b,c 的字典:

>>> timeit("z = c['c']", "from __main__ import c")


>>> timeit("z = d[2]", "from __main__ import d")


>>> timeit("z = e[2]", "from __main__ import e")

Tuple 具有三个值,使用本地键:

>>> timeit("z = d[key]", "from __main__ import d, key")


>>> timeit("z = e[key]", "from __main__ import e, key")

首先,关于这些小的 timeit测试,有没有什么东西会使它们失效?我分别运行了几次,以确保没有随机的系统事件将它们抛弃,结果几乎是相同的。

看起来字典在性能和可读性之间提供了最好的平衡,其次是类。这是不幸的,因为对于我的目的,我还需要对象是序列相似的; 因此我选择了 namedtuple。

列表要快得多,但是常量键是不可维护的; 我必须创建一堆索引常量,比如 KEY _ 1 = 1,KEY _ 2 = 2,等等,这也不理想。


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I would be tempted to either (a) invent some kind of workload specific caching, and offload the storage and retrieval of my data to a memcachedb-like process, to improve scalability rather than performance alone or (b) rewrite as a C extension, with native data storage. An ordered-dictionary type perhaps.

You could start with this: http://www.xs4all.nl/~anthon/Python/ordereddict/

You can make your classes sequence like by adding __iter__, and __getitem__ methods, to make them sequence like (indexable and iterable.)

Would an OrderedDict work? There are several implementations available, and it is included in the Python31 collections module.

A couple points and ideas:

  1. You're timing accessing the same index many times in a row. Your actual program probably uses random or linear access, which will have different behavior. In particular, there will be more CPU cache misses. You might get slightly different results using your actual program.

  2. OrderedDictionary is written as a wrapper around dict, ergo it will be slower than dict. That's a non-solution.

  3. Have you tried both new-style and old-style classes? (new-style classes inherit from object; old-style classes do not)

  4. Have you tried using psyco or Unladen Swallow? (2020 Update - these two projects are dead)

  5. Does your inner loop to modify the data or just access it? It might be possible to transform the data into the most efficient possible form before entering the loop, but use the most convenient form elsewhere in the program.

One thing to bear in mind is that namedtuples are optimised for access as tuples. If you change your accessor to be a[2] instead of a.c, you'll see similar performance to the tuples. The reason is that the name accessors are effectively translating into calls to self[idx], so pay both the indexing and the name lookup price.

If your usage pattern is such that access by name is common, but access as tuple isn't, you could write a quick equivalent to namedtuple that does things the opposite way: defers index lookups to access by-name. However, you'll pay the price on the index lookups then. Eg here's a quick implementation:

def makestruct(name, fields):
fields = fields.split()
import textwrap
template = textwrap.dedent("""\
class {name}(object):
__slots__ = {fields!r}
def __init__(self, {args}):
{self_fields} = {args}
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return getattr(self, fields[idx])
self_fields=','.join('self.' + f for f in fields))
d = {'fields': fields}
exec template in d
return d[name]

But the timings are very bad when __getitem__ must be called:

namedtuple.a  :  0.473686933517
namedtuple[0] :  0.180409193039
struct.a      :  0.180846214294
struct[0]     :  1.32191514969

ie, the same performance as a __slots__ class for attribute access (unsurprisingly - that's what it is), but huge penalties due to the double lookup in index-based accesses. (Noteworthy is that __slots__ doesn't actually help much speed-wise. It saves memory, but the access time is about the same without them.)

One third option would be to duplicate the data, eg. subclass from list and store the values both in the attributes and listdata. However you don't actually get list-equivalent performance. There's a big speed hit just in having subclassed (bringing in checks for pure-python overloads). Thus struct[0] still takes around 0.5s (compared with 0.18 for raw list) in this case, and you do double the memory usage, so this may not be worth it.

This question is fairly old (internet-time), so I thought I'd try duplicating your test today, both with regular CPython (2.7.6), and with pypy (2.2.1) and see how the various methods compared. (I also added in an indexed lookup for the named tuple.)

This is a bit of a micro-benchmark, so YMMV, but pypy seemed to speed up named tuple access by a factor of 30 vs CPython (whereas dictionary access was only sped up by a factor of 3).

from collections import namedtuple

STest = namedtuple("TEST", "a b c")
a = STest(a=1,b=2,c=3)

class Test(object):
__slots__ = ["a","b","c"]


b = Test()

c = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}

d = (1,2,3)
e = [1,2,3]
f = (1,2,3)
g = [1,2,3]
key = 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
from timeit import timeit

print("Named tuple with a, b, c:")
print(timeit("z = a.c", "from __main__ import a"))

print("Named tuple, using index:")
print(timeit("z = a[2]", "from __main__ import a"))

print("Class using __slots__, with a, b, c:")
print(timeit("z = b.c", "from __main__ import b"))

print("Dictionary with keys a, b, c:")
print(timeit("z = c['c']", "from __main__ import c"))

print("Tuple with three values, using a constant key:")
print(timeit("z = d[2]", "from __main__ import d"))

print("List with three values, using a constant key:")
print(timeit("z = e[2]", "from __main__ import e"))

print("Tuple with three values, using a local key:")
print(timeit("z = d[key]", "from __main__ import d, key"))

print("List with three values, using a local key:")
print(timeit("z = e[key]", "from __main__ import e, key"))

Python Results:

Named tuple with a, b, c:
Named tuple, using index:
Class using __slots__, with a, b, c:
Dictionary with keys a, b, c:
Tuple with three values, using a constant key:
List with three values, using a constant key:
Tuple with three values, using a local key:
List with three values, using a local key:

PyPy Results:

Named tuple with a, b, c:
Named tuple, using index:
Class using __slots__, with a, b, c:
Dictionary with keys a, b, c:
Tuple with three values, using a constant key:
List with three values, using a constant key:
Tuple with three values, using a local key:
List with three values, using a local key:

This problem may be obsolete soon. CPython dev has evidently made significant improvements to the performance of accessing named tuple values by attribute name. The changes are scheduled for release in Python 3.8, near the end of Oct. 2019.

See: https://bugs.python.org/issue32492 and https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/10495.

Since this is an old question and we have newer data structures such as dataclasses available now, we should revisit this slightly :)

Here are my results from Python 3.10:

test_slots                     0.3108502170071006
test_dataclass                 0.3306749809999019
test_namedtuple_index          0.33487743604928255
test_dict                      0.5152054959908128
test_namedtuple_attr           0.5526042419951409
test_namedtuple_unpack         0.8291720589622855

From these results I would recommend using a dataclass for named access or tuples/namedtuples for index access.

The test code can be forked here: https://gist.github.com/WoLpH/02fae0b20b914354734aaac01c06d23b

import sys
import math
import random
import timeit
import typing
import dataclasses
import collections

repeat = 5
number = 1000
N = 5000

class PointTuple(typing.NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
z: int

class PointDataclass:
x: int
y: int
z: int

class PointObject:
__slots__ = 'x', 'y', 'z'
x: int
y: int
z: int

def test_namedtuple_attr():
point = PointTuple(1234, 5678, 9012)

for i in range(N):
x, y, z = point.x, point.y, point.z

def test_namedtuple_index():
point = PointTuple(1234, 5678, 9012)

for i in range(N):
x, y, z = point

def test_namedtuple_unpack():
point = PointTuple(1234, 5678, 9012)

for i in range(N):
x, *y = point

def test_dataclass():
point = PointDataclass(1234, 5678, 9012)

for i in range(N):
x, y, z = point.x, point.y, point.z

def test_dict():
point = dict(x=1234, y=5678, z=9012)

for i in range(N):
x, y, z = point['x'], point['y'], point['z']

def test_slots():
point = PointObject()
point.x = 1234
point.y = 5678
point.z = 9012

for i in range(N):
x, y, z = point.x, point.y, point.z

if __name__ == '__main__':
tests = [

print(f'Running tests {repeat} times with {number} calls.')
print(f'Using {N} iterations in the loop')

results = collections.defaultdict(lambda: math.inf)

for i in range(repeat):
# Shuffling tests to prevent skewed results due to CPU boosting or
# thermal throttling

print(f'Run {i}:', end=' ')
for t in tests:
name = t.__name__

print(name, end=', ')

timer = timeit.Timer(f'{name}()', f'from __main__ import {name}')
results[name] = min(results[name], timer.timeit(number))


for name, result in sorted(results.items(), key=lambda x: x[::-1]):
print(f'{name:30} {result}')