现在 Android 5.0发布了,我想知道如何实现动画操作栏图标。
这个库 给你对我来说实现得很好,但是既然 appcompat v7库有它,那么如何实现它呢?
库在 themes.xml 中引用它
<item name="drawerArrowStyle">@style/Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle</item>
<style name="Base.V7.Theme.AppCompat" parent="Platform.AppCompat">
我得到了这个实现使用 v7 DrawerToggle。但是我不能样式化它。请帮助
我在 v7 style _ base. xml 中找到了它的样式
<style name="Base.Widget.AppCompat.DrawerArrowToggle" parent="">
<item name="color">?android:attr/textColorSecondary</item>
<item name="thickness">2dp</item>
<item name="barSize">18dp</item>
<item name="gapBetweenBars">3dp</item>
<item name="topBottomBarArrowSize">11.31dp</item>
<item name="middleBarArrowSize">16dp</item>
<item name="drawableSize">24dp</item>
<item name="spinBars">true</item>
<declare-styleable name="DrawerArrowToggle">
<!-- The drawing color for the bars -->
<attr name="color" format="color"/>
<!-- Whether bars should rotate or not during transition -->
<attr name="spinBars" format="boolean"/>
<!-- The total size of the drawable -->
<attr name="drawableSize" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The max gap between the bars when they are parallel to each other -->
<attr name="gapBetweenBars" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The size of the top and bottom bars when they merge to the middle bar to form an arrow -->
<attr name="topBottomBarArrowSize" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The size of the middle bar when top and bottom bars merge into middle bar to form an arrow -->
<attr name="middleBarArrowSize" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The size of the bars when they are parallel to each other -->
<attr name="barSize" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The thickness (stroke size) for the bar paint -->
<attr name="thickness" format="dimension"/>