如何在 IntelliJIDEA 中改变使用高亮颜色

在 Dracula 主题中,当我点击一个符号时,即使 IntelliJ IDEA 突出显示了该符号的用法,突出显示也不是那么明显。我需要改变突出的文本颜色和用法的背景颜色,使用法更加可见。我在谷歌上搜索了一个解决方案,但是没有找到。




34628 次浏览

Go into Settings->IDE Settings->Editor->Color and Fonts->General

Make a copy of Darcula to something like MyOwnDarcula (can't change the built in schema).

Find whatever you need to change, in this case I think it's "Identifier under caret" and change the colors for foreground and background to your liking.

The accepted answer is wrong. Editor>Colors & Fonts>General>Selection background/Selection foreground

The linked page also mentions Highlighting usages of a symbol in the current file with a Ctrl + Shift + F7 keyboard shortcut.

The highlighting for that is governed by "Search Results" > "Search Result" (under Editor > Color Scheme > General)

It's called "identifier under caret" and "identifier under caret (write)".

I suggest editing background color.

enter image description here

Steps for your solution are:

  1. File->setting or ctrl+alt+s
  2. Got identifier under caret(For finding this click on code in general tab and enter identifier under caret). Refer image.
