在 iOS8中,UICollectionViewFlowLayout
Is it possible to specify a fixed value for the width (or height) of all the cells and allow the other dimensions to resize?
IOS8引入了方法 systemLayoutSizeFittingSize: withHorizontalFittingPriority: verticalFittingPriority:
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes:(UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)layoutAttributes {
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes = [super preferredLayoutAttributesFittingAttributes:layoutAttributes];
attributes.size = [self systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:layoutAttributes.size withHorizontalFittingPriority:UILayoutPriorityRequired verticalFittingPriority:UILayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel];
return attributes;
然而,这种方法返回的大小完全是奇怪的。关于这个方法的文档对我来说非常不清楚,并且提到了使用常量 UILayoutFittingCompressedSize
这个方法的 size
1) Adding constraints that will be specify a specific width for the cell achieves the correct layout. This is a poor solution because that constraint should be set to the size of the cell's collection view which it has no safe reference to. The value for that constraint could be passed in when the cell is configured, but that also seems completely counterintuitive. This is also awkward because adding constraints directly to a cell or it's content view is causing many problems.
2)使用表格视图。表格视图以这种方式开箱即用,因为单元格有固定的宽度,但是这不能适应其他情况,比如 iPad 布局中的多列单元格有固定宽度。