IOS 应用程序崩溃,xcode 在调试时显示“与 X 的 iPhone 失去连接”

我的应用程序崩溃了,我需要一些建议来找到并修复这个问题。这不是一个设备或电缆问题,因为它发生在所有设备上,而不仅仅是在调试时。Xcode 不会在异常断点停止,应用程序只是简单地停止运行,没有错误信息。调试 xcode 时只说“与 X 的 iPhone 失去连接”。我有以下设备的日志,请参阅 MY _ CRASHING _ APP:

Incident Identifier: 85730E97-BA21-4C72-8AD1-02075A8FD9A7
CrashReporter Key:   d9e9eb14ac1801fea11e662a394244d7caf29154
Hardware Model:      iPhone4,1
OS Version:          iPhone OS 8.0 (12A365)
Kernel Version:      Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Tue Aug 19 15:08:02 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2783.1.72~8/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
Date:                2014-09-24 15:02:41 +0200
Time since snapshot: 325 ms

Free pages:                              20793
Active pages:                            20412
Inactive pages:                          10678
Speculative pages:                       1757
Throttled pages:                         55906
Purgeable pages:                         699
Wired pages:                             21196
File-backed pages:                       30263
Anonymous pages:                         2584
Compressions:                            76385
Decompressions:                          3948
Compressor Size:                         81
Uncompressed Pages in Compressor:        61
Page Size:                               4096
Largest process:   MY_CRASHING_APP

Name       |            <UUID>                |     CPU Time|     rpages|       purgeable| recent_max| lifetime_max| fds |  [reason]         | (state)

coreduetd <675ac3d39b193f9bba42896818431859>         0.049         124                0           -           391   50     [vnode-limit]     (daemon) (idle)
homed <77bcbc47e2723e269b0ff9d115658259>         0.052         146                0           -           458   50     [vnode-limit]     (daemon) (idle)
gamed <a51b1ad16b693a75aeaaf2166e7b1b0b>         0.049          38                0           -            74   50     [vnode-limit]     (daemon) (idle)
lsd <72b4494834d3357bb8aa32fd5b5c8e83>         0.068         161                0           -           368   50     [vnode-limit]     (daemon)
InCallService <88e149874b1c35f2b8adbeee958d7258>        18.461        1289                0           -          3238   50     [vnode-limit]     (resume) (continuous)
MY_CRASHING_APP <1542054cd5393df29827ca1a6bd34e04>        59.116       24504              600           -         29490 1600     [vnode-limit]     (frontmost) (resume)
ptpd <c0bc1e573edb3bcebea0f3140a139421>         3.442         878                0           -          1634   50                       (daemon)
BTServer <1b7372b3ae393847b1c3ccaa720e991e>         3.057         393                0           -          1437   50                       (daemon)
lockdownd <bb602fb4b5ac3b51af2d22c4fdce9778>        11.306         271                0           -           761   50                       (daemon)
imagent <01ebc2c08d7f36059714967efaa86e78>        19.892         585                0           -          1286   50                       (daemon)
locationd <9727e24fbe4f357cb27d7bc8cf882c93>       489.694        1665                0           -          3586   50                       (daemon)
identityservices <13c2b979d6433252a011087be05e1aa5>        22.999         696                0          +2          1585   50                       (daemon)
discoveryd <dff5d0d2edf43b45b0c7fbd4a3e1b677>        93.758         589                0           -          1077  100                       (daemon)
wifid <5fb79228aa653a9bb725217b9cb891e6>        63.420         571                0           -          1098   50                       (daemon)
iaptransportd <ae70565455de38f3aab8993e9d109207>         7.713         306                0           -           579   50                       (daemon)
mediaserverd <b5ba58774a853d43a17559ae76a6f918>       649.476        1025               64           -          6134   50                       (daemon)
syslogd <a5a138dc01cd34d19bbe336c03099ce7>        40.100         201                0           -           384   50                       (daemon)
powerd <b3163caaebd53f7aa42634836472ea04>        43.199         231                0           -           474   50                       (daemon)
apsd <17af2320ccfb3e668b6455b95b4612ce>        37.461         631                0           -          1445   50                       (daemon)
networkd <a657abe0ce803333b886876a8f7a36e0>        77.271         596                0           -          1297   50                       (daemon)
dataaccessd <db655c44d5c830dc9e5f34f7edcb17a4>       243.259        1777                0           -          3097  100                       (daemon)
vmd <88cebb23d0f1344db23e1896b1787f2d>         0.505         204                0           -           617   50                       (daemon)
iapd <e84bb9b7cf7530babc36c6ca37b7f345>        11.963         453                0           -          1673   50                       (daemon)
syslog_relay <9e18dbcbcc07374e9d14c732b8dabad2>         1.424          98                0           -           189   50                       (daemon)
voiced <2d24fa3e32533f2f8298743eaf348d63>         0.179         210                0           -           581   50                       (daemon)
itunesstored <d50d5b1c3f693694a2eee878aae8facf>         0.573         908                0           -          1759   50                       (daemon)
SpringBoard <3e0aacaca7103aa09a71e5c9fee3e012>       841.081        7088               29           -         16912   50
backboardd <117d65aca8ce3ba68c7fd87d9ab81da6>      3424.058        6678              625           -          4409   50                       (daemon)
UserEventAgent <2f6c74a697943aed899faebac621e4c3>       316.816         848                0           -          2101  200                       (daemon)
configd <64e4db8bced23463b446c4b7c868fcfa>        31.906         416                0           -           933   50                       (daemon)
fseventsd <a393d343a7533860b5c1eddb922a33f1>        20.088         405                0           -           805   50                       (daemon)
fairplayd.H1 <c3856f0573fb3f9887721a239507f28b>        30.647         159                0           -          1096   50                       (daemon)
assertiond <032107d4db2b36ddac986060d8c62f73>        26.282         289                0           -           702   50                       (daemon)
wirelessproxd <ba82fe3b38f63f2b8b8807a2bf97aadd>         1.071         179                0           -           643   50                       (daemon)
distnoted <e8f9e76e751838a880dad2d4a953f814>         4.457         193                0           -           254   50                       (daemon)
discoveryd_helpe <84abc0c6dd5b37a8b2c8323881e16da7>         0.493         123                0           -           466   50                       (daemon)
ubd <5f4f0054821e3b41b543a4d9f4176291>         9.040         730                0           -          1540   50                       (daemon)
filecoordination <68a3848887853629adae42f5828a5443>         2.731         251                0           -           649  100                       (daemon)
aggregated <ab0d307a392f36cc827709d24c4b8696>      1335.558        1081                0           -          1688   50                       (daemon)
DTMobileIS <086152f142ac30a686a172b148d38fbc>       109.156         474                0           -          1724   50                       (daemon)
touchsetupd <d8aabe65f2d23f6ab7704bbccc6c2ba1>         0.388         158                0           -           464   50                       (daemon)
cfprefsd <6e5dcfe209183c719091d07edad590da>         0.150         166                0           -           320   50                       (daemon)
accountsd <9eb0309b021033c6b24ce65da48fa228>         0.665         595                0           -          1909   50                       (daemon)
CommCenter <0e1ced0eddce346ba27e9f54886ef025>       669.306        1543                0           -          4623   50                       (daemon)
notifyd <7beaf472572334d4989a40473776f635>        61.698         272                0           -           309   50                       (daemon)
ReportCrash <b36d5780860a3dfcbb146b2cc6bca339>         0.062         146                0           -           443   50                       (daemon)



结果是记忆问题。应用程序很快分配了大量的内存,操作系统终止了应用程序。奇怪的是,Xcode 没有记录内存警告,而 Instruments 显示应用程序收到了大量警告。其他使用相同内存量的应用程序没有出现内存警告。我的猜测是,这些分配内存的速度并不是如此之快。

这个应用程序运行在 iPhone4S 上,在大约90MB 的内存使用量时被关闭。

令我困惑的是其他失去记忆的问题都有 Purgeable pages: 0。所以我猜这不是内存不足,而是短时间内内存使用过多?

29885 次浏览

Yes, it is a memory issue, or you have opened too many threads. I have met this problem before. The problem I met like this:

When I delete a photo, which may cost about 0.2s, I would like to show a toast(MBProgressHUD) to user, and GCD to hide the toast after deleting.
When I tried to delete 100 photos, it is okay. However, when I tried to delete 200 photos, the app might be crashed. When I tried to delete 300 photos, the iPhone always restart itself.

I had this same issue when loading a bunch of very large images (5000px x 5000px) in UIImages. Luckily the images were not supposed to be anywhere near that big and I just needed to resize them.

As Andy Darwin suggested, it is a memory issue.

I had this problem on older devices when adding an UIImageView with animationImages.

In my case, I use UICollectionView to show a bunch of photos and when I want to perform reloadData to the view, crash occurs, while the memory usage is not that high (less than 100M). Besides memory issue, I think reloadData of UICollectionView or UITableView may cause this, too.

Posting for posterity, as I recently experienced this 'crash' and it wasn't due to memory issues as others have suggested:

In rare cases, this can be an issue with the cord used to connect the iPhone to the computer. I had a faulty lightning cable, that would sporadically lose connection to my mac. The solution was to by a new one!

Just to add that I had the same issue running my app both on and old Ipad 3 and Iphone 6. What ended up being the problem was I had accidentally saved 2 images of the project as a 40mb and a 20mb version. So it was a memory issue. I downsized them as 1mb each, and issue solved.

Just chipping in for anyone else who is struggling on this one.

For me the solution was to restart my device.

This bug appears frequently since I switched on iOS 11 Beta. Sometimes restarting the device works, sometimes my computer...

Using Big Sour with XCode 12.2

  1. Create a file called .lldbinit on your home directory (~)
  2. Add this line to the file: settings set plugin.process.gdb-remote.packet-timeout 300
  3. Restart Xcode and try again