无法在 CocoaPods 中找到规范

我不能理解为什么 Cocoapod 无法找到我在运行 pod install时创建的 pod 规范。有人能帮我解决这个“麻烦”吗?

我在我的库 podspec 文件中定义了一个子 spec,如下所示:

s.subspec 'mysubspec' do |c|
c.dependency 'ABC','1.0.0'

这个依赖关系 ABC 在库 Podfile 中列出:

pod 'ABC', :git => 'git@github.com:myrepo/Podspecs.git', :branch => 'xyz'

Myrepo/Podspecs 分支 xyz 中的 Podspec 文件 ABC.podspec如下所示:

Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name         = "ABC"
s.version      = "1.0.0"
s.source       = { :git => "git@github.com:myrepo/Podspecs.git", :branch => "xyz" }

错误是 [!] Unable to find a specification for ABC (= 1.0.0)

122834 次浏览

Instead of:

s.source       = { :git => "git@github.com:myrepo/Podspecs.git", :branch => "xyz" }

Write this: Don't forget the tag...

s.source       = { :git => "https://github.com/myrepo/Podspecs.git", :branch => "xyz",
:tag => s.version.to_s }

For me it was an issue with finding the spec, not the spec itself. I needed to add a source link to the Podfile, see Podfile documentation

Cocoapods recently added the need to link to the repo that holds the pod spec file you are looking for, the default is:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

You may need to add multiple source links if you are using more obscure or homemade pods.

I suppose that there is a problem with your pod master repo. Delete it and download it again.

You can do:

pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install


sudo rm -fr ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
pod setup
pod install

I was getting similar error for MGBoxkit

[!] Unable to find a specification for MGBoxkit

By replacing the following line

pod 'MGBoxkit'


pod 'MGBoxKit'

fixed the issue.

Make sure you added

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

at the very beginning of your Podfile

Update the master repo for cocoapods.

pod repo update master

I resolve this after add

source '/Users/username/Documents/path/to/iOS_SpecsRepository'
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'

to Podfile. well .I used a local repository as my Repo. So i can user this in another podspec file

s.dependency 'iOS_Networking_CPN', '~> 0.1.1'

iOS_Networking_CPN is in the local path.

With me, this worked like a charm.

pod repo remove master
pod setup

However, you may try directly, pod setup as some users pointed.

I missed adding , causing issue.


pod 'PodName' '~> 2.3'


pod 'PodName', '~> 2.3'

Did the job.

I solved my problem with below command:

cocoa pod update

To update use this command

sudo gem install cocoapods

if above command gives error than use this one

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

and than do this

pod repo update

had the same problem.

what really worked for me was gem uninstall cocoapods (as mentioned above by https://stackoverflow.com/users/4264880/seema-sharma) where I found that I had 11 (!) different cocoapods versions installed.

I chose to uninstall all and then gem install cocoapods:1.4.0

All good now.

For me, the below worked well but first try could be direct "pod setup" command If that don't work then go for the below commands would definitely make things happen.

pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install

You first need to add your Podspec to a private specs repo; this lets CocoaPods find the pod when you try to install it.

Enter the following in Terminal, making sure you’re still in the framework directory you are trying to add:

pod repo add [your framework name] [Your framework Git URL]
pod repo push [your framework name] [your framework .podspec file name]

Follow the below steps :

Step 0: pod repo update master

Step 1: pod install

And you are done!

use tis instead. Using private pod and public pod in the same project

add the souce for both private and public(official) in the beginning of the podfile.

None of the answers helped me. Ultimately i figured out that I had a typo spelling mistake for one of the Pods.

Ex:- Firebaseresulrereres/Analytics. It was supposed to be Firebase/Analytics but without my knowledge the pod name had a wrong spelling like Firebaseresulrereres/Analytics.

Correcting the Pod Name did the trick for me!. It cost me 1 hour to find this though!. Development can be ambiguous and frustrating some times! :)

I was working in flutter with all public repos. I was getting a similar error:

Unable to find a specification for `TOCropViewController (~> 2.5.2)` depended upon by `image_cropper`

For some reason TOCropViewController specification was unavailable. I tried the following:

flutter clean
rm -Rf ios/Pods
rm -Rf ios/.symlinks
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
rm ios/Podfile
flutter run

But the plugin specification was still unavailable. Finally, I solved it by removing the pod's repo master.

pod repo remove master
sudo rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repos
pod setup
pod install

To validate and confirm that the plugin is here, I tried grep inside .cocoapods, using:

 grep -r "TOCropViewController" -n ~/.cocoapods

Inside ~/.cocoapods/repos/trunk/Specs/3/7/4/TOCropViewController/2.5.2/TOCropViewController.podspec.json

I found the plugin's git repo and correct version number.

  "source": {
"git": "https://github.com/TimOliver/TOCropViewController.git",
"tag": "2.5.2"

After that flutter clean and flutter run started working.

pod update

Solved the same error in my case.

I had to add these two lines at the beginning of the Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
source 'https://github.com/goinstant/pods-specs-public'

Then run pod install again.