无法获取有关 WindowsNT 组/用户的信息

我有一个使用本地安装的 SQL Server Express 运行 SharePoint2010的 Windows2012服务器。不幸的是,我的日志当前充斥着消息“在目标队列中排队消息时发生异常。错误: 15404州: 19。无法获得有关 WindowsNT 组/用户‘ DOMAIN 用户’的信息,错误代码为0x5。”每秒钟可能有20条这样的信息!

(... 而‘ DOMAIN 用户’恰好是我的个人帐户。)

是否有正在运行的作业具有丢失的权限?“ Qoute from https://serverfault.com/questions/277551/mssqlserver-exception-occurred-while-enqueueing-a-message-in-the-target-queue-e”尝试在作业的属性上将作业的所有者更改为 sa 帐户如果我是正确的,SQL 服务器的快速版本不能运行作业?还是有什么人或者什么东西想看我们的广告?为什么那个账户每秒钟要获取我的账户信息20次?

我确实找到了很多关于这个任务的博客和提示,但是我就是不理解解决方案。其中一个说: “要修复这个问题,请作为 SA 帐户之一登录,并授予需要它的帐户 SA 访问权限。”但是什么账户需要访问权限呢?

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In my case, sa was not the owner of the DB, I was. When I tried to execute CLR configuration that required sa privileges, I got the error too.

The solution:

EXEC dbo.sp_changedbowner @loginame = N'sa', @map = false
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;

I used help from the db team at work and this post to find the answer. Hope it helps.

In my case the owner of the database was a domain account Domain\Me.

The error message was

Error: 15404, State: 19. Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'Domain\MyAccount'

The problem was that the database didn't know what to do with the domain account - so the logical thing to do was to use a local account instead.

I tried changing the owner of the database, but things still wouldn't work correctly.

In the end I dropped and recreated the entire database MAKING SURE THAT THE OWNER WAS SA

enter image description here

I also set the Broker to Enabled in the settings

enter image description here

Thing started magically working after this

I had this error from a scheduled job in sql Server Agent, in my case, just after I changed the hostname of the Windows Server. I had also ran sp_dropserver and sp_addserver. My database was owned by "sa", not a Windows user.

I could login into SQL as the Windows user NEWHOSTNAME\username (I guess after a hostname change, the SID doesn't change, that's why it worked automatically?).

However, in SQL, in Security/Logins node, I had SQL logins defined as OLDHOSTNAME\username. I connected to SQL using "sa" instead of Windows Integrated, dropped the old logins, and create new ones with NEWHOSTNAME\username.

The error disappeared.

Change the owner to sa. Here are the steps I took to solve this issue:

  1. Right-Click on the database and select properties

  2. Click on Files under the Select a page

  3. Under the Owner, but just below the Database Name on the right-hand pane, select sa as the owner.

to do a bulk update for all databases, run this script and then execute its output:

from sys.databases
where name not in ('master', 'model', 'tempdb')

I had the same issue where my domain login was not being recognized. All I did was go into the SQL Server configuration manager and start the services as Network Services instead of a local service. The sql server / agent was then able to recognize the AD logins for the jobs.

In my case, it was VPN issue. When I turned on the VPN to connect with my office network & then tried to start the snapshot agent again, it started successfully.

I was facing the same issue. Fix for me was changing the log-on from NT User to global user in Sql Server Configuration Manager => Sql Server Service => Sql Server Agent => Properties => Account name.

enter image description here

No Domain Authentication

Failure was ultimately due to the fact that it was not able to authenticate when I was not vpn-ed into the corporate network.

For I was connecting to a local db on my work laptop, however the User 'DOMAIN\user' needed to be authenticated by AD on the corporate network.

Error was resolved as soon as I reconnected and refreshed; the error disappeared.

I was having the same problem. In my case it was due to the fact that my machine was part of a domain, but I was not connected to the company VPN. The problem was solved after connecting to the VPN (so the domain user could be resolved by the SQLAgent).

You should be connected with your domain. (VPN)