安装企业 iOS 应用程序时的“不可信应用程序开发人员”消息

我正在开发一个企业应用程序,当我在 iOS8测试版中测试它时,我看到了以下警告视图:

Untrusted App Developer
Do you trust the developer "iPhone Distribution: ---" to run apps on you iPad?

这只是第一次出现。 我可以避免它吗? 和它有什么关系?


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You cannot avoid this unless you distribute an application via the App Store.

You get this message because the application is signed via an enterprise certificate that has not yet been trusted by the user. Apple force this prompt to appear because the application that is being installed hasn't gone through the App Store review process so is technically untrusted.

Once the user has accepted the prompt, the certificate will be marked as trusted and the application can be installed (along with any other future applications that you wish to install that have been signed with the same certificate)

Note: As pointed out in the comments, as of iOS 8, uninstalling all applications from a specific certificate will cause the prompt to be shown again once an application from said certificate is re-installed.

Here is the link to Apple website that confirms this info: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204460

You absolutely can avoid this issue if you manage the device with MDM or have access to Apple Configurator.

The solution is to push either the Developer or iOS Distribution certificate to the device via MDM or Apple Configurator. Once you do that, any application signed by that cert will be trusted.

When you click on "Do you trust this developer", you're essentially adding that certificate manually on a per-app basis.

Today, I was testing this with iOS 9 Beta and found the solution.

To solve it, go to:

  1. Settings -> General -> Profiles [Device Management on iOS 10]
  2. Under ENTERPRISE APP, choose your current developer account name.
  3. Tap Trust "Your developer account name"
  4. Tap "Trust" in pop up.
  5. Done

If you push it out through MDM it should auto-trust the application (https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT204460), but it still has to verify the certs etc with Apple to ensure they've not been revoked etc i presume. I had this message preventing the application from launching and it was only when the proxy information was configured so it i could use the internet that it went away after a couple more launch attempts.

On iOS 9:

Settings -> General -> Device Management -> Developer app / your Apple ID -> Add/remove trust there

In iOS 9.1 and lower, go to Settings - General - Profiles - tap on your Profile - tap on Trust button.

This issue comes when trust verification of app fails.

Screenshot 1

You can trust app from Settings shown in below images.

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

If this dosen't work then delete app and re-install it.

In iOS 9.3.1 and up: Settings > General > Device Management

In my case, i just change some step below with iOS 9.3 To solve this problem:

Settings -> General -> Device Management -> Developer app Choose your current developer account name. Taps Trust "Your developer account name" Taps "Trust" in pop up. Done

For iOS 13.6

Go to settings -> General -> Device Management -> Click on Trust « Apple Development » -> Click on the red trust button and you’re all set! 😁 Enjoy