Laravel named route for resource controller

Using Laravel 4.2, is it possible to assign a name to a resource controller route? My route is defined as follows:

Route::resource('faq', 'ProductFaqController');

I tried adding a name option to the route like this:

Route::resource('faq', 'ProductFaqController', array("as"=>"faq"));

However, when I hit the /faq route and place {{ Route::currentRouteName() }} in my view, it yields faq.faq.index instead of just faq.

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When you use a resource controller route, it automatically generates names for each individual route that it creates. Route::resource() is basically a helper method that then generates individual routes for you, rather than you needing to define each route manually.

You can view the route names generated by typing php artisan routes in Laravel 4 or php artisan route:list in Laravel 5 into your terminal/console. You can also see the types of route names generated on the resource controller docs page (Laravel 4.x | Laravel 5.x).

There are two ways you can modify the route names generated by a resource controller:

  1. Supply a names array as part of the third parameter $options array, with each key being the resource controller method (index, store, edit, etc.), and the value being the name you want to give the route.

    Route::resource('faq', 'ProductFaqController', [
    'names' => [
    'index' => 'faq',
    'store' => '',
    // etc...
  2. Specify the as option to define a prefix for every route name.

    Route::resource('faq', 'ProductFaqController', [
    'as' => 'prefix'

    This will give you routes such as prefix.faq.index,, etc.

For answer seekers with Laravel 5.5+ finding this page:

Route::namespace('Admin')->prefix('admin')->name('admin.')->group(function () {



These options will result in the following for the Resource:

  • namespace() sets Controller namespace to \Admin\UserController

  • prefix() sets request URi to /admin/users

  • name() sets route name accessor to route('admin.users.index')

In name() the DOT is intended, it is not a typo.

Please let others know if this works in comments for any versions prior to Laravel 5.5, I will update my answer.


Taylor accepted my PR to officially document this in 5.5:


New in Laravel 8, the need to use a namespace in route configs is deprecated, the default namespace wrapper in RouteServiceProvider has been removed from Laravel's standard config. This change decouples Controller namespaces from having to be considered when grouping routes, dropping the namespace requirement when registering routes gives much more freedom when organizing controllers and routes.

With Laravel 8, the original example in the top half of this post would now look as follows using self references to static class name:

use \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\{

Route::prefix('admin')->name('admin.')->group(function () {

Route::resource('users', UserController::class);

Route::resource('products', ProductController::class);

Route::resource('another', AnotherController::class);


Using Laravel 5.5

Route::resource('admin/posts/tags', 'PostTagController', ['as' => 'posts']);

important to keep in mind the "resource"

For example, I send something from my project:

Route::resource('admin/posts/tags', 'PostTagController', ['as' => 'posts']);

All Updates Later then Laravel 5.5 Using

Route::resource('faqs', 'FaqController', ['as' => 'faqs']);

if we not use ['as' => 'faqs'] in above code then it will also work same.


Important to keep in mind that this will work for "resource"

For example:

Route::resource('admin/posts/tags', 'PostTagController', ['as' => 'posts']);

and result will be like

 POST      | admin/posts/tags                  |
GET|HEAD  | admin/posts/tags                  | posts.tags.index
GET|HEAD  | admin/posts/tags/create           | posts.tags.create
DELETE    | admin/posts/tags/{tag}            | posts.tags.destroy
PUT|PATCH | admin/posts/tags/{tag}            | posts.tags.update
GET|HEAD  | admin/posts/tags/{tag}            |
GET|HEAD  | admin/posts/tags/{tag}/edit       | posts.tags.edit

you dont need to set name in resource in laravel 5.7 that i have test it. it auto generate route name from url.

I don't know if it's available in laravel 4.2 (I tested in 5.7) but you can use names to change the name of all routes generated by resource

Route::resource('faq', 'ProductFaqController', ['names' => 'something']);

and the result will be like this


and you don't need to specify each route

Tested with Laravel 8:

You can define your name for resource route as passing names as optional arguments. For Example:

use App\Http\Controllers\UsersController;

Route::resource('reservations', UsersController::class, ['names' => 'users']);

The above example defines routes such as users.index, etc.

You can also pass the route names as:

Route::resource('reservations', UsersController::class, ['names' => 'admin.users']);

which will define routes with prefix of admin such as admin.users.index,

Got the same error as you. for me it worked by adding the whole path that is namespace/ControllerName

Route::resource('staffs', 'App\Http\Controllers\StaffController');

And In Laravel 8

App\Http\Controllers\API\Admin\ProductController::class, [
'names' => [
'index' => 'admin.product.index',
'store' => '',
'update' => 'admin.product.update',
'destroy' => 'admin.product.delete'
])->except(['edit', 'create']);

Route::resource('articles','ArticleController', ['names' => 'xyz'])

You can rename your resource routes in AppServiceProvider.php like so:

public function boot()
'create' => 'neu',
'edit' => 'bearbeiten',

I believe this feature is designed for localization.