Apache 没有启动 MAMP Pro

Apache 无法启动,并抛出一个错误:

Starting Apache failed screenshot

或者 无法启动 Apache。请检查日志文件以获得更多信息。

Dyld: 未找到符号: _ iconv 引自:/usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib 期望出现在:/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib/libiconv.2. dylib 中 在/usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/apachectl: line 80:2799 Trace/BPT trap: 5 $HTTPD“ $

这对于多个端口是一样的。推荐的 MAMP 端口和常规的阿帕奇端口。

MySQL 的开始非常好。


47234 次浏览

I updated to the latest version of yosemite last night.

You apparently have to go to your MAMP folder in Applications. Go to bin -> apache2 -> bin.

Then rename the file from envvars to _envvars.

I also came across another problem of it not working correctly. Make sure the ports are Apache defaults, NOT MAMP defaults (port 80 etc). If it works straight away, this should not apply to you.

Installing the latest release of MAMP 3 Version in my case seems to solve this issue.