如何在 Github 上关闭单个组织中新存储库的自动通知订阅?

当我在 Github 组织中创建一个新存储库时,所有组织所有者都会自动订阅该存储库的通知。

我会建立很多档案库用于存档。我想关闭自动订阅,不仅仅是为了我,也是为了组织中的每一个人。我也想避免发送初始的“你已经自动订阅”电子邮件。我在 Github API 或组织设置中找不到这样做的任何东西。

Hey there, we're just writing to let you know that you've been automatically subscribed to a repository on GitHub.

gitpan-test/Acme-LookOfDisapproval created by gitpan-test-account
Read-only release history for Acme-LookOfDisapproval

You'll receive notifications for all issues, pull requests, and comments that happen inside the repository. If you would like to stop watching this repository, you can manage your settings here:


You can unwatch this repository immediately by clicking here:


You were automatically subscribed because you've been given push access to the repository.

26526 次浏览

Check out github-watchlist

It allows regular expression based mass subscribing and unsubscribing for repositories.


The apacheflex organization has the same issue a year ago, and their conclusion wasn't too promising:

Try unchecking "Automatically watch" at: https://github.com/watching

I tried that, I hope it will work, just I was wondering if it can be done from admin rights in the Apache Flex github repo, that's why I was asking Om

unfortunately there are no Admin settings that lets me do this.
The best approach would be to go unwatch repos you dont want here: https://github.com/watching, like Jose mentioned.
This seems to be a per user setting and not a per organization setting.

You might also uncheck the 'Automatically watch' setting if you dont want to do this every repo that gets created.

Not ideal, but this is the best option we have for now.

This seems to be confirmed by the OP Schwern as detailed in the comments:

I contacted Github tech support and they said much the same thing, to turn off "Automatically watch".
Unfortunately that must be done per org member and it's a global option, not specific to the org.

  1. Go to your profile settings
  2. Click Notification Center
  3. Uncheck Automatically watch repositories

I love gifs so I created one to show how to deal with this issue.


  1. Go to your Settings page on GitHub
  2. Then click at Notifications menu
  3. Just uncheck Automatically watch repositories and you're done.

Peace! ✌️

To stop receiving notifications on some of the repos that you have been added to, simply visit this url https://github.com/watching and uncheck/unwatch all the repos you don't want to receive notifications from.

Hope this helps.

I'm almost 8 years late but this can be handy.

# Make sure the personal access token has access to notifications & repo
repolist=$(GH_TOKEN=$GH_TOKEN gh repo list $ORGANIZATION -L $MAX_REPO_COUNT --json name --jq '.[].name')
echo $repolist | while read repo; do
echo "Unsubscribing from $ORGANIZATION/$repo\n"
GH_TOKEN=$GH_TOKEN gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" /repos/$ORGANIZATION/$repo/subscription --method PUT -F ignored=true | jq '.'