This will give you a controller, a model, a migration and related tests. You can skip the migration with the option --skip-migration. If you don't want the others, you'll have to delete them yourself. Don't worry about overwriting existing files, that won't happen unless you use --force.
As klew points out in the comments, this also defines the method bodies for you, not just the names. It is very helpful to use as a starting point for your REST controller.
One solution is to create a script that accepts one parameter, the controller name, and let the script type the whole command for you.
Create a new file, say, railsgcontroller
Make it executable and save it on path
Run it like:
$ railsgcontroller Articles
die () {
echo "Please supply new rails controller name to generate."
echo >&2 "$@"
exit 1
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || die "1 argument required, $# provided"
rails g controller "$1" new create update edit destroy show index
You have created a model without a controller, nor views (eg thru: rails generate model category)
Upgrade it to a full RESTful resource
rails generate scaffold_controller category
It stubs out a scaffolded controller, its seven RESTful actions and related views. (Note: You can either pass the model name CamelCased or under_scored.)