import heapq
listForTree = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]
heapq.heapify(listForTree) # for a min heap
heapq._heapify_max(listForTree) # for a maxheap!!
heapq.heappop(minheap) # pop from minheap
heapq._heappop_max(maxheap) # pop from maxheap
heap_max = [] # creates an empty heap
heappush_max(heap_max, item) # pushes a new item on the heap
item = heappop_max(heap_max) # pops the largest item from the heap
item = heap_max[0] # largest item on the heap without popping it
heapify_max(x) # transforms list into a heap, in-place, in linear time
item = heapreplace_max(heap_max, item) # pops and returns largest item, and
# adds new item; the heap size is unchanged
class Heap :
def __init__(self):
self.heap = []
self.size = 0
def add(self, heap):
self.heap = heap
self.size = len(self.heap)
def heappush(self, value):
self.size += 1
def heapify(self, heap ,index=0):
mid = int(self.size /2)
if you want to travel great value from bottom to the top you need to repeat swaping by the hight of the tree
I don't how how can i get the height of the tree that's why i use sezi/2
you can find height by this formula
2^(x) = size+1 why 2^x because tree is growing exponentially
xln(2) = ln(size+1)
x = ln(size+1)/ln(2)
for i in range(mid):
self.createTee(heap ,index)
return heap
def createTee(self, heap ,shiftindex):
this pos reffer to the index of the parent only parent with children
(2) (3) here the size of list is 7/2 = 3
(4) (5) (6) (7) the number of parent is 3 but we use {2,1,0} in while loop
that why a put pos -1
pos = int(self.size /2 ) -1
this if you wanna sort this heap list we should swap max value in the root of the tree with the last
value in the list and if you wanna repeat this until sort all list you will need to prevent the func from
change what we already sorted I should decrease the size of the list that will heapify on it
newsize = self.size - shiftindex
while pos >= 0 :
left_child = pos * 2 + 1
right_child = pos * 2 + 2
# this mean that left child is exist
if left_child < newsize:
if right_child < newsize:
# if the right child exit we wanna check if left child > rightchild
# if right child doesn't exist we can check that we will get error out of range
if heap[pos] < heap[left_child] and heap[left_child] > heap[right_child] :
heap[left_child] , heap[pos] = heap[pos], heap[left_child]
# here if the righ child doesn't exist
if heap[pos] < heap[left_child] :
heap[left_child] , heap[pos] = heap[pos], heap[left_child]
# if the right child exist
if right_child < newsize :
if heap[pos] < heap[right_child] :
heap[right_child], heap[pos] = heap[pos], heap[right_child]
pos -= 1
return heap
def sort(self ):
k = 1
for i in range(self.size -1 ,0 ,-1):
because this is max heap we swap root with last element in the list
self.heap [0] , self.heap[i] = self.heap[i], self.heap[0]
self.heapify(self.heap ,k)
return self.heap
h = Heap()
h.add([5,7,0,8,9,10,20,30,50,-1] )
print(" before heapify ")
print(" after heapify ")
print(" after sort ")
< p > heapify之前
[5,7,0,8,9,10,20,30,50, -1, -2]
< p > heapify之后
[50,30,20,8,9,10,0,7,5, -1, -2]
< p >后排序
[-2, -1, 0,5,7,8,9,10,20,30,50]
arr = [3,4,5,1,2,3,0,7,8,90,67,31,2,5,567]
# max-heap sort will lead the array to assending order
def maxheap(arr,p):
for i in range(len(arr)-p):
if i > 0:
child = i
parent = (i+1)//2 - 1
while arr[child]> arr[parent] and child !=0:
arr[child], arr[parent] = arr[parent], arr[child]
child = parent
parent = (parent+1)//2 -1
def heapsort(arr):
for i in range(len(arr)):
arr[0], arr[len(arr)-i-1]=arr[len(arr)-i-1],arr[0]
return arr
>>> from heap_class import Heap
>>> h = Heap([3, 1, 9, 20], max=True)
>>> h.pop()
>>> h.peek() # same as h[0]
>>> h.push(17) # or h.append(17)
>>> h[0] # same as h.peek()
>>> h[1] # inefficient, but works
>>> y = reversed(h)
>>> y.peek()
>>> y # repr is inefficient, but correct
Heap([1, 3, 9, 17], max=False)
>>> 9 in y
>>> y.raw() # underlying heap structure
[1, 3, 17, 9]