If you want to get insight into performance of a certain block of code and make sure performance doesn't hurt when you make edits, best thing would be using XCTest's measuring performance functions, like measure(_ block: () -> Void).
Write a unit test that executes method you want to benchmark, and that unit test will run it multiple times giving you time needed and deviation of results
func testExample() {
self.measure {
//do something you want to measure
I like Brad Larson's answer for a simple test that you can even run in a Playground. For my own needs I've tweaked it a bit:
I've wrapped the call to the function I want to test in a testing function, which gives me space to play around with different arguments if I want to.
The testing function returns its name, so I don't have to include the 'title' parameter in the averageTimeTo() benchmarking function.
The benchmarking function allows you to optionally specify how many repetitions to perform (with a default of 10). It then reports both the total and average times.
The benchmarking function prints to the console AND returns the averageTime (which you might expect from a function called 'averageTimeTo'), so there's no need for two separate functions that have almost identical functionality.
For example:
func myFunction(args: Int...) {
// Do something
func testMyFunction() -> String {
// Wrap the call to myFunction here, and optionally test with different arguments
myFunction(args: 1, 2, 3)
return #function
// Measure average time to complete test
func averageTimeTo(_ testFunction: () -> String, repeated reps: UInt = 10) -> Double {
let functionName = testFunction()
var totalTime = 0.0
for _ in 0..<reps {
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let elapsedTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
totalTime += elapsedTime
let averageTime = totalTime / Double(reps)
print("Total time to \(functionName) \(reps) times: \(totalTime) seconds")
print("Average time to \(functionName): \(averageTime) seconds\n")
return averageTime
// Total time to testMyFunction() 10 times: 0.000253915786743164 seconds
// Average time to testMyFunction(): 2.53915786743164e-05 seconds
averageTimeTo(testMyFunction, repeated: 1000)
// Total time to testMyFunction() 1000 times: 0.027538537979126 seconds
// Average time to testMyFunction(): 2.7538537979126e-05 seconds
This is an incredibly versatile benchmarking function that allows for the labelling of tests, performing many tests and averaging their execution times, a setup block to be called between tests (i.e. shuffling an array between measuring a sorting algorithm on it), clear printing of benchmarking results, and it also returns the average execution time as a Double.
Try the following:
@_transparent @discardableResult public func measure(label: String? = nil, tests: Int = 1, printResults output: Bool = true, setup: @escaping () -> Void = { return }, _ block: @escaping () -> Void) -> Double {
guard tests > 0 else { fatalError("Number of tests must be greater than 0") }
var avgExecutionTime : CFAbsoluteTime = 0
for _ in 1...tests {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let end = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
avgExecutionTime += end - start
avgExecutionTime /= CFAbsoluteTime(tests)
if output {
let avgTimeStr = "\(avgExecutionTime)".replacingOccurrences(of: "e|E", with: " × 10^", options: .regularExpression, range: nil)
if let label = label {
print(label, "▿")
print("\tExecution time: \(avgTimeStr)s")
print("\tNumber of tests: \(tests)\n")
} else {
print("Execution time: \(avgTimeStr)s")
print("Number of tests: \(tests)\n")
return avgExecutionTime
var arr = Array(1...1000).shuffled()
measure(label: "Map to String") {
let _ = arr.map { String($0) }
measure(label: "Apple's Sorting Method", tests: 1000, setup: { arr.shuffle() }) {
measure {
let _ = Int.random(in: 1...10000)
let mathExecutionTime = measure(printResults: false) {
let _ = 219 * 354
print("Math Execution Time: \(mathExecutionTime * 1000)ms")
// Prints:
// Map to String ▿
// Execution time: 0.021643996238708496s
// Number of tests: 1
// Apple's Sorting Method ▿
// Execution time: 0.0010601345300674438s
// Number of tests: 1000
// Execution time: 6.198883056640625 × 10^-05s
// Number of tests: 1
// Math Execution Time: 0.016927719116210938ms
Note:measure also returns the execution time. The label, tests, and setup arguments are optional. The printResults argument is set to true by default.
Please make your benchmark on Production build instead of Debug since it contains more optimizations
you have several possibilities
DispatchTime.now().uptimeNanoseconds (and div on 1_000_000)
Based on the Mach absolute time unit
Wall Clock(is not recommended because of leap second or other micro correction)
let metrics: [XCTMetric] = [XCTMemoryMetric(), XCTStorageMetric(), XCTClockMetric()]
let measureOptions = XCTMeasureOptions.default
measureOptions.iterationCount = 3
measure(metrics: metrics, options: measureOptions) {
//block of code
*I would not suggest you to create a general function with measure block because Xcode sometimes can not handle it properly. That is why use measure block for every performance test
Small improvement of @Brad Larsons's answer (the accepted answer) to allow the function to return the operation's result if needed
@discardableResult func printTimeElapsedWhenRunningCode<T>(title: String, operation: () -> T) -> T {
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let result = operation()
let timeElapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
print("Time elapsed for \(title): \(timeElapsed) s.")
return result