在 WindowsCLI 上使用时间戳进行 Ping

在命令提示符 cmd上,我用的是 ping -t to

Reply from bytes=32 time=3889ms TTL=238
Reply from bytes=32 time=3738ms TTL=238
Reply from bytes=32 time=3379ms TTL=238


10:13:29.421875 Reply from bytes=32 time=3889ms TTL=238
10:13:29.468750 Reply from bytes=32 time=3738ms TTL=238
10:13:29.468751 Reply from bytes=32 time=3379ms TTL=238

请注意,我希望只使用 CMD 提供的命令来实现这一点

380124 次浏览
@echo off
ping -t localhost|find /v ""|cmd /q /v:on /c "for /l %%a in (0) do (set "data="&set /p "data="&if defined data echo(!time! !data!)"

note: code to be used inside a batch file. To use from command line replace %%a with %a

Start the ping, force a correct line buffered output (find /v), and start a cmd process with delayed expansion enabled that will do an infinite loop reading the piped data that will be echoed to console prefixed with the current time.

2015-01-08 edited: In faster/newer machines/os versions there is a synchronization problem in previous code, making the set /p read a line while the ping command is still writting it and the result are line cuts.

@echo off
ping -t localhost|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!time! !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost>nul"

Two aditional pause commands are included at the start of the subshell (only one can be used, but as pause consumes a input character, a CRLF pair is broken and a line with a LF is readed) to wait for input data, and a ping -n 2 localhost is included to wait a second for each read in the inner loop. The result is a more stable behaviour and less CPU usage.

NOTE: The inner ping can be replaced with a pause, but then the first character of each readed line is consumed by the pause and not retrieved by the set /p

Try this:

Create a batch file with the following:

echo off



echo %time% >> c:\somedirectory\pinghostname.txt

ping pinghostname >> c:\somedirectory\pinghostname.txt

goto start

You can add your own options to the ping command based on your requirements. This doesn't put the time stamp on the same line as the ping, but it still gets you the info you need.

An even better way is to use fping, go here http://www.kwakkelflap.com/fping.html to download it.

On Windows

You can use one of the other answers.

On Unix/Linux

while :;do ping -n -w1 -W1 -c1| grep -E "rtt|100%"| sed -e "s/^/`date` /g"; sleep 1; done

Or as function pingt for your ~/.bashrc:

pingt() {
while :;do ping -n -w1 -W1 -c1 $1| grep -E "rtt|100%"| sed -e "s/^/`date` /g"; sleep 1; done

source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26666549/1069083

Batch script:

@echo off

set /p host=host Address:
set logfile=Log_%host%.log

echo Target Host = %host% >%logfile%
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('ping %host% -n 1 ') do (echo %%A>>%logfile% && GOTO Ping)
for /f "tokens=* skip=2" %%A in ('ping %host% -n 1 ') do (
echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A>>%logfile%
echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A
timeout 1 >NUL
GOTO Ping)

This script will ask for which host to ping. Ping output is output to screen and log file. Example log file output:

Target Host = www.nu.nl
Pinging nu-nl.gslb.sanomaservices.nl [] with 32 bytes of data:
24-Aug-2015 13:17:42 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250
24-Aug-2015 13:17:43 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250
24-Aug-2015 13:17:44 Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=250

Log file is named LOG_[hostname].log and written to same folder as the script.


option 1

ping.exe -t COMPUTERNAME|Foreach{"{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date),$_}

option 2

Test-Connection -Count 9999 -ComputerName COMPUTERNAME | Format-Table @{Name='TimeStamp';Expression={Get-Date}},Address,ProtocolAddress,ResponseTime

Try this instead:

ping -c2 -s16 sntdn | awk '{print NR " | " strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") " | " $0  }'

Check if it suits you

You can do this in Bash (e.g. Linux or WSL):

ping | while read line; do echo `date` - $line; done

Although it doesn't give the statistics you usually get when you hit ^C at the end.

Another powershell method (I only wanted failures)

$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format 's') Start ping to $target"
$reply = $ping.send($target)
if ($reply.status -eq "Success"){
# ignore success
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host "$(Get-Date -format 's') Destination unreachable" $target


I also need this to monitor the network issue for my database mirroring time out issue. I use the command code as below:

ping -t Google.com|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data!)&ping -n 2 Google.com>nul" >C:\pingtest.txt

You just need to modify Google.com to your server name. It works perfectly for me. and remember to stop this when you finished. The pingtest.txt file will increase by 4.5 KB per min (around).

Thank for raymond.cc. https://www.raymond.cc/blog/timestamp-ping-with-hrping/

I think my code its what everyone need:

ping -w 5000 -t -l 4000 -4 localhost|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul &for /l %a in () do (for /f "delims=*" %a in ('powershell get-date -format "{ddd dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}"') do (set datax=%a) && set /p "data=" && echo([!datax!] - !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost>nul"

to display:

[Fri 09-Feb-2018 11:55:03] - Pinging localhost [] with 4000 bytes of data:
[Fri 09-Feb-2018 11:55:05] - Reply from bytes=4000 time<1ms TTL=128
[Fri 09-Feb-2018 11:55:08] - Reply from bytes=4000 time<1ms TTL=128
[Fri 09-Feb-2018 11:55:11] - Reply from bytes=4000 time<1ms TTL=128
[Fri 09-Feb-2018 11:55:13] - Reply from bytes=4000 time<1ms TTL=128

note: code to be used inside a command line, and you must have powershell preinstalled on os.

An enhancement to MC ND's answer for Windows.
I needed a script to run in WinPE, so I did the following:

@echo off
IF "%~1" NEQ "" SET TARGET=%~1

ping -t %TARGET%|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!time! !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost >nul"

This can be hardcoded to a particular IP Address ( in my example) or take a passed parameter. And as in MC ND's answer, repeats the ping about every 1 second.

This might help someone : [Needs to be run in Windows PowerShell]

ping.exe -t |Foreach{"{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date),$_} >> Ping_IP.txt

-- Check for the Ping_IP.txt file at the current directory or user home path.

The above command gives you output in a file like the below ;

9/14/2018 8:58:48 AM - Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
9/14/2018 8:58:48 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:49 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:50 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:51 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:52 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:53 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=117
9/14/2018 8:58:54 AM - Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=117

Good Luck !!!

This might fit the bill for later Windows versions:

for /l %i in (1,0,2) do @echo|cmd /v:on /c set /p=!time! & ping -n 1 | findstr "Reply timed" && timeout /t 2 > nul:

Simple 😎:

@echo off

set hostName=www.stackoverflow.com
set logfile=C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\PING_LOG\NetworkLog\Log_%hostName%.text
echo Network Loging Running %hostName%...
echo Ping Log %hostName% >>%logfile%

for /f "tokens=* skip=2" %%A in ('ping %hostName% -n 1 ') do (
echo %date% %time:~0,2%:%time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2% %%A>>%logfile%
timeout 1 >NUL
GOTO Ping)

Instead of having the additional ping -n 2 localhost at the end of the loop, you can just add the character R before !data! since the only possibilities are Reply or Request. The first character is consumed from the pause>nul. So instead of having the following expression:

ping localhost -t -l 4|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p data=&echo(!date! !time! !data!)&ping -n 2 localhost>nul"

You can use this expression:

ping localhost -t -l 4|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p data=&echo(!date! !time! R!data!)&pause>nul"

Which produces the same output eg.:

22:34:49.49 Reply from bytes=4 time=14ms TTL=116
22:34:50.49 Reply from bytes=4 time=14ms TTL=116
22:34:55.47 Request timed out.
22:34:56.49 Reply from bytes=4 time=14ms TTL=116
22:34:57.49 Reply from bytes=4 time=14ms TTL=116


ping -D

From the man page

-D     Print timestamp (unix time + microseconds as in gettimeofday) before each line


[1593014142.306704] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=120 time=13.7 ms
[1593014143.307690] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=120 time=13.8 ms
[1593014144.310229] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=120 time=14.3 ms
[1593014145.311144] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=120 time=14.2 ms
[1593014146.312641] 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=120 time=14.8 ms

ping -t wwww.google.com|cmd /q /v /c “(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %a in () do (set /p “data=” && echo(!date! !time! !data!)&ping -n 2 wwww.google.com>nul”