let now = NSDate()
let seventies = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)
// Standard solution still works
let days = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components(.CalendarUnitDay,
fromDate: seventies, toDate: now, options: nil).day
// Flashy swift... maybe...
func -(lhs:NSDate, rhs:NSDate) -> DateRange {
return DateRange(startDate: rhs, endDate: lhs)
class DateRange {
let startDate:NSDate
let endDate:NSDate
var calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
var days: Int {
return calendar.components(.CalendarUnitDay,
fromDate: startDate, toDate: endDate, options: nil).day
var months: Int {
return calendar.components(.CalendarUnitMonth,
fromDate: startDate, toDate: endDate, options: nil).month
init(startDate:NSDate, endDate:NSDate) {
self.startDate = startDate
self.endDate = endDate
// Now you can do this...
(now - seventies).months
(now - seventies).days
let start = "2010-09-01"
let end = "2010-09-05"
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let startDate:NSDate = dateFormatter.dateFromString(start)
let endDate:NSDate = dateFormatter.dateFromString(end)
let cal = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let unit:NSCalendarUnit = .Day
let components = cal.components(unit, fromDate: startDate, toDate: endDate, options: nil)
<NSDateComponents: 0x10280a8a0>
Day: 4
最困难的部分是,自动完成坚持 from Date 和 toDate 将是 NSDate?,但实际上它们必须是 NSDate!,如参考文献所示。
// Assuming that firstDate and secondDate are defined
// ...
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with 00:00
let date1 = calendar.startOfDayForDate(firstDate)
let date2 = calendar.startOfDayForDate(secondDate)
let flags = NSCalendarUnit.Day
let components = calendar.components(flags, fromDate: date1, toDate: date2, options: [])
components.day // This will return the number of day(s) between dates
Swift 3和 Swift 4版本
let calendar = Calendar.current
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with 00:00
let date1 = calendar.startOfDay(for: firstDate)
let date2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: secondDate)
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.day], from: date1, to: date2)
var name = txtName.stringValue // Get the users name
// Get the date components from the window controls
var dateComponents = NSDateComponents()
dateComponents.day = txtDOBDay.integerValue
dateComponents.month = txtDOBMonth.integerValue
dateComponents.year = txtDOBYear.integerValue
// Make a Gregorian calendar
let calendar = NSCalendar(identifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)
// Get the two dates we need
var birthdate = calendar?.dateFromComponents(dateComponents)
let currentDate = NSDate()
var durationDateComponents = calendar?.components(NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay, fromDate: birthdate!, toDate: currentDate, options: nil)
let numberOfDaysAlive = durationDateComponents?.day
txtGreeting.stringValue = "Hello \(name), You have been alive for \(numberOfDaysAlive!) days."
func daysUntilDate(endDateComponents: DateComponents) -> Int
let cal = Calendar.current
var components = cal.dateComponents([.era, .year, .month, .day], from: NSDate() as Date)
let today = cal.date(from: components)
let otherDate = cal.date(from: endDateComponents)
components = cal.dateComponents([Calendar.Component.day], from: (today! as Date), to: otherDate!)
return components.day!
// Days from today until date
var examnDate = DateComponents()
examnDate.year = 2016
examnDate.month = 12
examnDate.day = 15
let daysCount = daysUntilDate(endDateComponents: examnDate)
public extension Date {
public var currentCalendar: Calendar {
return Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
public func daysBetween(_ date: Date) -> Int {
let components = currentCalendar.dateComponents([.day], from: self, to: date)
return components.day!
extension Date {
func daysBetween(date: Date) -> Int {
return Date.daysBetween(start: self, end: date)
static func daysBetween(start: Date, end: Date) -> Int {
let calendar = Calendar.current
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with 00:00
let date1 = calendar.startOfDay(for: start)
let date2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: end)
let a = calendar.dateComponents([.day], from: date1, to: date2)
return a.value(for: .day)!
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let start = dateFormatter.date(from: "2017-01-01")!
let end = dateFormatter.date(from: "2018-01-01")!
let diff = Date.daysBetween(start: start, end: end) // 365
// or
let diff = start.daysBetween(date: end) // 365
func simpleIndex(ofDate: Date) -> Int {
// index here just means today 0, yesterday -1, tomorrow 1 etc.
let c = Calendar.current
let todayRightNow = Date()
let d = c.date(bySetting: .hour, value: 13, of: ofDate)
let t = c.date(bySetting: .hour, value: 13, of: todayRightNow)
if d == nil || today == nil {
print("weird problem simpleIndex#ofDate")
return 0
let r = c.dateComponents([.day], from: today!, to: d!)
// yesterday is negative one, tomorrow is one
if let o = r.value(for: .day) {
return o
else {
print("another weird problem simpleIndex#ofDate")
return 0
// This method returns the fractional number of days between to dates
func getFractionalDaysBetweenDates(date1: Date, date2: Date) -> Double {
let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day, .hour], from: date1, to: date2)
var decimalDays = Double(components.day!)
decimalDays += Double(components.hour!) / 24.0
return decimalDays
public extension Date {
func daysTo(_ date: Date) -> Int? {
let calendar = Calendar.current
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with 00:00
let date1 = calendar.startOfDay(for: self)
let date2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: date)
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.day], from: date1, to: date2)
return components.day // This will return the number of day(s) between dates
这是 Emin 对 Swift 5的回答的更新版本,其中包含了将午夜而不是午夜作为比较日子的确定时间的建议。它还通过返回一个可选的。
/// This is an approximation; it does not account for time differences. It will set the time to 1200 (noon) and provide the absolute number
/// of days between now and the given date. If the result is negative, it should be read as "days ago" instead of "days from today."
/// Returns nil if something goes wrong initializing or adjusting dates.
func daysFromToday() -> Int?
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with noon. (Noon is less likely to be affected by DST changes, timezones, etc. than midnight.)
guard let date1 = calendar.date(bySettingHour: 12, minute: 00, second: 00, of: calendar.startOfDay(for: Date())),
let date2 = calendar.date(bySettingHour: 12, minute: 00, second: 00, of: calendar.startOfDay(for: self)) else
return nil
return calendar.dateComponents([.day], from: date1, to: date2).day
import UIKit
let calendar = Calendar.current
let start = "2010-09-01"
let end = "2010-09-05"
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let firstDate = dateFormatter.date(from: start)!
let secondDate = dateFormatter.date(from: end)!
// Replace the hour (time) of both dates with 00:00
let date1 = calendar.startOfDay(for: firstDate)
let date2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: secondDate)
let components = calendar.dateComponents([Calendar.Component.day], from: date1, to: date2)
components.day // This will return the number of day(s) between dates