
我在使用 Python 代码时遇到了未绑定方法错误

import random

class Sample(object):
'''This class defines various methods related to the sample'''

def drawSample(samplesize,List):
return sample

print Sample.drawSample(5,Choices)

After reading many helpful posts here, I figured how I could add @staticmethod above to get the code working. I am a python newbie. Can someone please explain why one would want to define static methods? Or, why are not all methods defined as static methods?

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Python 的站点在这里有一些关于静态方法的文档:

静态方法在 Python 中几乎没有存在的理由,可以使用实例方法或类方法。

def method(self, args):
self.member = something

def method(cls, args):
cls.member = something

def method(args):
MyClass.member = something
# The above isn't really working
# if you have a subclass


假设我们有一个称为 Mathclass

nobody will want to create object of class Math
然后调用类似于 ceilfloor以及 fabs的方法。 < br >

所以我们把它们变成 static


>> Math.floor(3.14)

>> mymath = Math()
>> mymath.floor(3.14)


Why are not all methods defined as static methods?


class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.bar = 'bar'

def too(self):
print self.bar

def foo():
print self.bar

Foo().too() # works
Foo.foo() # doesn't work



当您在对象实例上调用 classmethod对象(包装函数对象)时,实例对象的类将作为第一个参数传入。

当调用 staticmethod对象(包装函数对象)时,不使用隐式的第一个参数。

class Foo(object):

def bar(*args):
print args

def baaz(*args):
print args

def quux(*args):
print args

>>> foo = Foo()

>>> Foo.bar(1,2,3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unbound method bar() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got int instance instead)
>>> Foo.baaz(1,2,3)
(<class 'Foo'>, 1, 2, 3)
>>> Foo.quux(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)

>>> foo.bar(1,2,3)
(<Foo object at 0x1004a4510>, 1, 2, 3)
>>> foo.baaz(1,2,3)
(<class 'Foo'>, 1, 2, 3)
>>> foo.quux(1,2,3)
(1, 2, 3)

Static methods have limited use, because they don't have access to the attributes of an instance of a class (like a regular method does), and they don't have access to the attributes of the class itself (like a class method does).







def drawSample(samplesize,List):
return sample

print drawSample(5,Choices)

如果有许多相关函数,您可以将它们分组到一个模块中-即,将它们放在同一个文件中,例如,命名为 sample.py; 然后

import sample

print sample.drawSample(5,Choices)

或者,我会在类中添加一个 __init__方法,并创建一个具有有用方法的实例:

class Sample(object):
'''This class defines various methods related to the sample'''

def __init__(self, thelist):
self.list = thelist

def draw_sample(self, samplesize):
return sample

print choices.draw_sample(5)

(我还修改了上面示例中的大小写约定,以匹配 PEP 8推荐的样式。)

Python 的一个优点是,它不会强迫您为所有事情使用类。只有在有应该与方法关联的数据或状态时才能使用它们,而这正是类的用途。否则,您可以使用函数,这就是函数的用途。

详细说明见 这篇文章


1. 它消除了 self参数的使用。

它减少了内存使用,因为 Python 不必为每个被实例化的对象实例化一个 定界法:

>>>RandomClass().regular_method is RandomClass().regular_method
>>>RandomClass().static_method is RandomClass().static_method
>>>RandomClass.static_method is RandomClass().static_method

3. 它提高了代码的可读性,表明该方法不依赖于对象本身的状态。


因为名称空间函数很好(如前所述) :

  1. 当我想要明确说明不改变对象状态的方法时,我会使用静态方法。这阻碍了我团队中的人员开始在这些方法中更改对象的属性。

  2. 当我重构非常糟糕的代码时,我首先尝试创建尽可能多的方法 @staticmethod。这样我就可以将这些方法提取到一个类中——虽然我同意,我很少使用这种方法,但它确实有几次很有帮助。

据我估计,使用 @staticmethod与仅仅在类之外定义函数并将其与类分离相比,没有任何一个 表演的好处。

我认为唯一能证明他们存在的理由就是方便。静态方法在其他流行的编程语言中很常见,那么为什么不使用 python 呢?如果你想创建一个行为与你所创建的类密切相关的函数,但是它并没有实际访问/修改该类实例的内部数据,而是将其概念化为该类的一个典型方法,那么在它上面添加一个 @staticmethod,任何阅读你的代码的人都会立即学到很多关于该方法的性质及其与该类的关系的知识。

One thing I occasionally like to do is place functionality that my class uses internally a lot into private @staticmethods. That way I do not clutter the API exposed by my module with methods that no one using my module would ever need to see let alone use.

The alternatives to a staticmethod are: classmethod, instancemethod, and function. If you don't know what these are, scroll down to the last section. If a staticmethod is better than any of these alternatives, depends on for what purpose it is written.

Python 静态方法的优点

  • 如果不需要访问类或实例的属性或方法,staticmethod优于 classmethodinstancemethod。通过这种方式(从 @staticmethod装饰器)可以清楚地看到类和实例的状态没有被读取或修改。然而,使用 function可以使这种区别更加明显(见缺点)。
  • staticmethod的呼叫签名与 classmethodinstancemethod(即 <instance>.<method>(<arguments>))的呼叫签名相同。因此,如果以后或在派生类中需要,可以很容易地用 之一替换它。你不能用一个简单的 function做到这一点。
  • 可以使用 staticmethod代替 function来表明它主观上属于一个类,并防止名称空间冲突。

Python 静态方法的缺点

  • 它不能访问实例或类的属性或方法。
  • staticmethod的呼叫签名与 classmethodinstancemethod的呼叫签名相同。这掩盖了一个事实,即 staticmethod实际上并不读取或修改任何对象信息。这使得代码更难阅读。为什么不用 function呢?
  • 如果需要从定义 staticmethod的类/实例之外调用它,则很难重用 staticmethod。如果有任何重用的潜力,function是更好的选择。
  • The staticmethod is seldom used, so people reading code that includes one may take a little longer to read it.

Python 中静态方法的替代方法

为了讨论 staticmethod的优点,我们需要知道替代品是什么以及它们彼此之间的区别。

  • staticmethod属于类,但不能访问或修改任何实例或类信息。


  • classmethod可以访问调用者的类。
  • instancemethod可以访问调用方的实例及其类。
  • function与类没有任何关系,它的性能最接近于 staticmethod


# function
# has nothing to do with a class
def make_cat_noise(asker_name):
print('Hi %s, mieets mieets!' % asker_name)

# Yey, we can make cat noises before we've even defined what a cat is!
make_cat_noise('JOey')  # just a function

class Cat:
number_of_legs = 4

# special instance method __init__
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

# instancemethod
# the instance (e.g. Cat('Kitty')) is passed as the first method argument
def tell_me_about_this_animal(self, asker_name):
print('Hi %s, This cat has %d legs and is called %s'
% (asker_name, self.number_of_legs, self.name))

# classmethod
# the class (e.g. Cat) is passed as the first method argument
# by convention we call that argument cls
def tell_me_about_cats(cls, asker_name):
print("Hi %s, cats have %d legs."
% (asker_name, cls.number_of_legs))
# cls.name  # AttributeError because only the instance has .name
# self.name  # NameError because self isn't defined in this namespace

# staticmethod
# no information about the class or the instance is passed to the method
def make_noise(asker_name):
print('Hi %s, meooow!' % asker_name)
# class and instance are not accessible from here

# one more time for fun!
make_cat_noise('JOey')  # just a function

# We just need the class to call a classmethod or staticmethod:
Cat.make_noise('JOey')  # staticmethod
Cat.tell_me_about_cats('JOey')  # classmethod
# Cat.tell_me_about_this_animal('JOey')  # instancemethod -> TypeError

# With an instance we can use instancemethod, classmethod or staticmethod
mycat = Cat('Kitty')  # mycat is an instance of the class Cat
mycat.make_noise('JOey')  # staticmethod
mycat.tell_me_about_cats('JOey')  # classmethod
mycat.tell_me_about_this_animal('JOey')  # instancemethod