Hi I am developing iPhone application in which I tried to set one side border for edittext. I did this in following way:
int borderWidth = 1;
CALayer *leftBorder = [CALayer layer];
leftBorder.borderColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
leftBorder.borderWidth = borderWidth;
leftBorder.frame = CGRectMake(0, textField.frame.size.height - borderWidth, textField
.frame.size.width, borderWidth);
[textField.layer addSublayer:leftBorder];
I put some constraints on my edittext in IB so that when I rotate my device it will adjust width of text field according to that. My problem is that adjusts the width of edittext not adjusting the width of CALayer which I set for my edit text. So I think I have to put some constraints for my CALayer item as well. But I dont know how to do that. ANy one knows about this? Need Help. Thank you.