


s.SiteNumber.IsNullOrEmpty() ? "No Number" : s.SiteNumber;


string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.SiteNumber) ? "No Number" : s.SiteNumber;



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There isn't a built-in way to do this. You could make your extension method return a string or null, however, which would allow the coalescing operator to work. This would be odd, however, and I personally prefer your current approach.

Since you're already using an extension method, why not just make one that returns the value or a default:

string result = s.SiteNumber.ConvertNullOrEmptyTo("No Number");

C# already lets us substitute values for null with ??. So all we need is an extension that converts an empty string to null, and then we use it like this:

s.SiteNumber.NullIfEmpty() ?? "No Number";

Extension class:

public static class StringExtensions
public static string NullIfEmpty(this string s)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? null : s;
public static string NullIfWhiteSpace(this string s)
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ? null : s;

how about a string extension method ValueOrDefault()

public static string ValueOrDefault(this string s, string sDefault)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return sDefault;
return s;

or return null if string is Empty:

public static string Value(this string s)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return null;
return s;

Didn't try these solutions though.

I know this is an old question - but I was looking for an answer and none of the above fit my need as well as what I ended up using:

private static string Coalesce(params string[] strings)
return strings.FirstOrDefault(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));


string result = Coalesce(s.SiteNumber, s.AltSiteNumber, "No Number");

EDIT: An even more compact way of writing this function would be:

static string Coalesce(params string[] strings) => strings.FirstOrDefault(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

I have a couple of utility extensions that I like to use:

public static string OrDefault(this string str, string @default = default(string))
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? @default : str;

public static object OrDefault(this string str, object @default)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? @default : str;

You could also use this if you want it to apply to any type:

public static T OrDefault<T>(this T obj, T @default)
return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(obj, default(T)) ? @default : obj;

Edit: Inspired by sfsr's answer, I'll be adding this variant to my toolbox from now on:

public static string Coalesce(this string str, params string[] strings)
return (new[] {str})
.FirstOrDefault(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

A slightly faster extension method than proposed earlier perhaps:

public static string Fallback(this string @this, string @default = "")
return (@this == null || @this.Trim().Length == 0) ? @default : @this;

I'm using a string Coalesce extension method of my own. Since those here are using LINQ, and absolutelly wasting resources for time intensive operations (I'm using it in tight loops), I'll share mine:

public static class StringCoalesceExtension
public static string Coalesce(this string s1, string s2)
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s1) ? s2 : s1;

I think it is quite simple, and you don't even need to bother with null string values. Use it like this:

string s1 = null;
string s2 = "";
string s3 = "loudenvier";
string s = s1.Coalesce(s2.Coalesce(s3));
Assert.AreEqual("loudenvier", s);

I use it a lot. One of those "utility" functions you can't live without after first using it :-)

I like the brevity of the following extension method QQQ for this, though of course an operator like? would be better. But we can 1 up this by allowing not just two but three string option values to be compared, which one encounters the need to handle every now and then (see second function below).

#region QQ

public static string QQQ(this string str, string value2)
return (str != null && str.Length > 0)
? str
: value2;

public static string QQQ(this string str, string value2, string value3)
return (str != null && str.Length > 0)
? str
: (value2 != null && value2.Length > 0)
? value2
: value3;

// Following is only two QQ, just checks null, but allows more than 1 string unlike ?? can do:

public static string QQ(this string str, string value2, string value3)
return (str != null)
? str
: (value2 != null)
? value2
: value3;


One of the advantages of the null-coalescing operator is that it short-circuits. When the first part isn't null, the second part isn't evaluated. This can be useful when the fallback requires an expensive operation.

I ended up with:

public static string Coalesce(this string s, Func<string> func)
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? func() : s;


string navigationTitle = model?.NavigationTitle.
Coalesce(() => RemoteTitleLookup(model?.ID)). // Expensive!
Coalesce(() => model?.DisplayName);

I simply use a NullIfEmpty extension method which will always return null if the string is empty allowing ?? (Null Coalescing Operator) to be used as normal.

public static string NullIfEmpty(this string s)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? null : s;

This then allows ?? to be used as normal and makes chaining easy to read.

string string1 = string2.NullIfEmpty() ?? string3.NullIfEmpty() ?? string4;

It's easy to turn some of the answers in to a helper extension class with generics for a even broader usage:

NOTE: for an explanation of short-circuit method the see the wensveen answer

// classic
public static string Coalesce(this string s, params string[] strings)
=> s.Coalesce(string.IsNullOrEmpty, strings);

// short-circuit compatible, for expensive string getting
public static string Coalesce(this string s, params Func<string>[] getters)
=> s.Coalesce(string.IsNullOrEmpty, getters);

// generic
public static T Coalesce<T>(this T value, Func<T, bool> isEmpty, params T[] values) where T : class
=> isEmpty(value) ? values.FirstOrDefault(val => !isEmpty(val)) : value;

// generic, short-circuit compatible
public static T Coalesce<T>(this T value, Func<T, bool> isEmpty, params Func<T>[] getters) where T : class {
if (isEmpty(value))
return getters
.Select(getter => new Lazy<T>(getter))
.FirstOrDefault(val => !isEmpty(val.Value))

return value;

Example usage:

string result = s.SiteNumber.Coalesce(s.AltSiteNumber, "No Number");

string result = s.SiteNumber.Coalesce(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace, s.AltSiteNumber, "No Number");

string navigationTitle = model?.NavigationTitle.
Coalesce(() => RemoteTitleLookup(model?.ID), () => model?.DisplayName);

Player player = player1.Coalesce(p => p?.Score > 0, player2, player3);

(PS: I think I'm getting bit off topic here using generics. Am I overthinking this?)

sqlCom.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@qavCode", SqlDbType.Char, 11)).Value = (object)(string.IsNullOrEmpty(rf.Request.QavCode) ? null : rf.Request.QavCode) ?? DBNull.Value;

Don't know, maybe I'm too late answering this question but in my example I mixed the regular ternary ?: to the null-coalescing operator ?? in order this one to work with empty strings too. Hope it helps :)