I've also experienced this problem and sadly it is just a bug in the SDK + Xcode. I talked to an engineer at WWDC, about this and a few other problems I was having with CloudKit. These bugs will be addressed in the next seed of Xcode.
In my case this was actually an error as a result of a circular reference. I had a class imported in the bridging header, and that class' header file was importing the swift header (<MODULE_NAME>-Swift.h). I was doing this because in the Obj-C header file I needed to use a class that was declared in Swift, the solution was to simply use the @class declarative.
create NEW swift file. this will make xcode to prompt if you want xcode to create all settings for mix swift-objective-c project including brigde-header.h for you. press yes.
# import“ YOURPROJECTNAME-ift. h”. this file xcode create for you。
如果你的 xcode 项目是 myProject 那么“ myProject-ift. h”
"we need to tell Xcode where to look for the 头文件 we’re listing in our 桥接头桥接头桥接头. Find the Search Paths section, and change the project-level setting for User Header Search Paths, adding a recursive entry for the ‘Pods’ directory: 豆荚/** "
Uncategorized: Target 'Pods' of project 'Pods' was rejected as an implicit dependency for 'Pods.framework' because its architectures 'arm64' didn't contain all required architectures 'armv7 arm64'