什么是 Swift 等价的-[ NSObject 描述] ?

在 Objective-C 中,可以在类中添加一个 description方法来帮助调试:

@implementation MyClass
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p, foo = %@>", [self class], foo _foo];


po fooClass
<MyClass: 0x12938004, foo = "bar">

什么是 Swift 的等价物? Swift 的 REPL 输出可能有所帮助:

  1> class MyClass { let foo = 42 }
3> let x = MyClass()
x: MyClass = {
foo = 42


  4> println("x = \(x)")
x = C11lldb_expr_07MyClass (has 1 child)

有没有办法清理这个 println输出? 我看过 Printable协议:

/// This protocol should be adopted by types that wish to customize their
/// textual representation.  This textual representation is used when objects
/// are written to an `OutputStream`.
protocol Printable {
var description: String { get }

我认为 println会自动“看到”这一点,但事实似乎并非如此:

  1> class MyClass: Printable {
2.     let foo = 42
3.     var description: String { get { return "MyClass, foo = \(foo)" } }
4. }
6> let x = MyClass()
x: MyClass = {
foo = 42
7> println("x = \(x)")
x = C11lldb_expr_07MyClass (has 1 child)


 8> println("x = \(x.description)")
x = MyClass, foo = 42


45135 次浏览

要在 Swift 类型上实现这一点,必须实现 CustomStringConvertible协议,然后还要实现名为 description的字符串属性。


class MyClass: CustomStringConvertible {
let foo = 42

var description: String {
return "<\(type(of: self)): foo = \(foo)>"

print(MyClass()) // prints: <MyClass: foo = 42>

注意: type(of: self)获取当前实例的类型,而不是显式写入“ MyClass”。

在 Swift 中使用 CustomStringConvertibleCustomDebugStringConvertible协议的例子:


import UIKit

class PageContentViewController: UIViewController {

var pageIndex : Int = 0

override var description : String {
return "**** PageContentViewController\npageIndex equals \(pageIndex) ****\n"

override var debugDescription : String {
return "---- PageContentViewController\npageIndex equals \(pageIndex) ----\n"


ViewController Swift

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController

Called after the controller's view is loaded into memory.
override func viewDidLoad() {

let myPageContentViewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("A") as! PageContentViewController



**** PageContentViewController
pageIndex equals 0 ****

**** PageContentViewController
pageIndex equals 0 ****

---- PageContentViewController
pageIndex equals 0 ----

注意: 如果您有一个自定义类,它不从 UIKit基金会库中包含的任何类继承,那么让它继承 NSObject类或使它符合 CustomStringConvertibleCustomDebugStringConvertible协议。

只要使用 CustomStringConvertiblevar description: String { return "Some string" }

在 Xcode 7.0测试版中工作

class MyClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var string: String?

var description: String {
//return "MyClass \(string)"
return "\(self.dynamicType)"

var myClass = MyClass()  // this line outputs MyClass nil

// and of course

// Use this newer versions of Xcode
var description: String {
//return "MyClass \(string)"
return "\(type(of: self))"
class SomeBaseClass: CustomStringConvertible {

//private var string: String = "SomeBaseClass"

var description: String {
return "\(self.dynamicType)"

// Use this in newer versions of Xcode
var description: String {
return "\(type(of: self))"


class SomeSubClass: SomeBaseClass {
// If needed one can override description here


var mySomeBaseClass = SomeBaseClass()
// Outputs SomeBaseClass
var mySomeSubClass = SomeSubClass()
// Outputs SomeSubClass
var myOtherBaseClass = SomeSubClass()
// Outputs SomeSubClass
struct WorldPeace: CustomStringConvertible {
let yearStart: Int
let yearStop: Int

var description: String {
return "\(yearStart)-\(yearStop)"

let wp = WorldPeace(yearStart: 2020, yearStop: 2040)
print("world peace: \(wp)")

// outputs:
// world peace: 2020-2040


class foo {
// Just the basic foo class stuff.
var bar = "Humbug!"

extension foo: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return bar

let xmas = foo()
print(xmas)  // Prints "Humbug!"

给你所述,您还可以使用 Swift 的反射功能,使您的类通过使用这个扩展生成它们自己的描述:

extension CustomStringConvertible {
var description : String {
var description: String = "\(type(of: self)){ "
let selfMirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in selfMirror.children {
if let propertyName = child.label {
description += "\(propertyName): \(child.value), "
description = String(description.dropLast(2))
description += " }"
return description