var isSelectedItem = false
if let selectedIndexPaths = collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems() as? [NSIndexPath]{
if contains(selectedIndexPaths, indexPath) {
isSelectedItem = true
struct Person {
let age: Int
let name: String
init(_ age: Int, _ name: String) {
self.age = age = name
let persons = [Person(17, "Fred"), Person(16, "Susan"),
Person(19, "Hannah"), Person(18, "Sarah"),
Person(23, "Sam"), Person(18, "Jane")]
if let eligableDriver = persons.first(where: { $0.age >= 18 }) {
print("\( can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.")
// ...
} // Hannah can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.
let daniel = Person(18, "Daniel")
if let sameAgeAsDaniel = persons.first(where: { $0.age == daniel.age }) {
print("\( is the same age as \(")
// ...
} // Sarah is the same age as Daniel.
任何使用.filter { ... some condition }.first的链式操作都可以用first(where:)代替。后者更好地显示了意图,并且与.filter可能的非惰性工具相比具有性能优势,因为这些工具将在提取(可能的)第一个通过过滤器的元素之前传递整个数组。
var elements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
if let firstSuchElement = elements.index(where: { $0 == "c" })
.map({ elements.remove(at: $0) }) {
// if we enter here, the first such element have now been
// remove from the array
print(elements) // ["a", "b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
// and we may work with it
print(firstSuchElement) // c
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
func hashMap() -> [Element: Int] {
var dict: [Element: Int] = [:]
for (i, value) in self.enumerated() {
dict[value] = i
return dict
let numbers = Array(0...50)
let hashMappedNumbers = numbers.hashMap()
let numToDetect = 35
let indexOfnumToDetect = hashMappedNumbers[numToDetect] // returns the index of the item and if all the elements in the array are different, it will work to get the index of the object!
print(indexOfnumToDetect) // prints 35
let numExists = indexOfnumToDetect != nil // if the key does not exist
means the number is not contained in the collection.
print(numExists) // prints true