ORA-28040: 没有匹配的身份验证协议异常

我正在尝试将我的 grails 项目连接到 Windows (8)系统中的 Oracle 数据库(神谕12c)。但是,无论何时运行应用程序,都会遇到以下异常:

Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException:
Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (ORA-28040:
No matching authentication protocol)

Caused by:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28040:
No matching authentication protocol

根据互联网上的建议,我也尝试编辑我的 *.ora文件,但它不工作。

我在 sqlnet.ora文件中添加了以下代码片段:


在这里,我尝试分配(10,11,12) ,但它们都不工作。


659288 次浏览

I deleted the ojdbc14.jar file and used ojdbc6.jar instead and it worked for me

Here is some text I found at experts-exchange:

Bug 14575666

In 12.1, the default value for the SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter has been updated to 11. This means that database clients using pre-11g JDBC thin drivers cannot authenticate to 12.1 database servers unless theSQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter is set to the old default of 8.

This will cause a Oracle RAC database creation using DBCA to fail with the ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol error in 12.1 Oracle ASM and Oracle Grid Infrastructure environments.

Workaround: Set SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION=8 in the oracle/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file.

Except for adding the following to sqlnet.ora


I also added the following to both the Client and Server, which resolved my issue


Also see post ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol



is the perfect solution sql.ora directory ..\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN

I was using eclipse and after trying all the other answers it didn't work for me. In the end, what worked for me was moving the ojdb7.jar to top in the Build Path. This occurs when multiple jars have conflicting same classes.

  1. Select project in Project Explorer
  2. Right click on Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  3. Go to Order and Export tab and select ojdbc.jar
  4. Click button TOP to move it to top

I resolved this issue by using ojdbc8.jar. Oracle 12c is compatible with ojdbc8.jar

just install ojdbc-full, That contains the release.

This except for adding the following to sqlnet.ora


If you get "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied" error, then you need to re-create your password.

My Initial error is : ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol exception

My DB version is 12.2 (Solaris) and client version is 11.2 ( windows). I have added below in both server and client sqlnet.ora


while connecting, I have got invalid username and password hence I have recreated the password ( same password ) in database which is resolved my issue.

While for most cases replacing ojdbc driver jar will be the solution, my case was different.

If you are certain you are using correct ojdbc driver. Double check if you are actually connecting to the database you are thinking you are. In my case jdbc configuration (in Tomcat/conf) was pointing to different database that had different Oracle version.

Very old question but providing some additional information which may help someone else. I also encountered same error and I was using ojdbc14.jar with Oracle Database. On Oracle official web page this information is listed that which version supports which database drivers. Here is the link and it appears that with Oracle 12c and Java 7 or 8 the correct version is ojdbc7.jar.

In the ojdbc6.jar is for