class FooTwoViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: FooTwoViewControllerDelegate?
步骤3: 使用 class 方法中的委托将数据发送给接收方法,接收方法是采用该协议的任何方法。
@IBAction func saveColor(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
delegate?.myVCDidFinish(self, text: colorLabel.text) //assuming the delegate is assigned otherwise error
步骤4: 在接收类中采用协议
class ViewController: UIViewController, FooTwoViewControllerDelegate {
步骤5: 实现委托方法
func myVCDidFinish(_ controller: FooTwoViewController, text: String) {
colorLabel.text = "The Color is " + text
controller.navigationController.popViewController(animated: true)
// MARK: Background to the story
// A protocol is like a list of rules that need to be followed.
protocol OlderSiblingDelegate: class {
// The following command (ie, method) must be obeyed by any
// underling (ie, delegate) of the older sibling.
func getYourNiceOlderSiblingAGlassOfWater()
// MARK: Characters in the story
class BossyBigBrother {
// I can make whichever little sibling is around at
// the time be my delegate (ie, slave)
weak var delegate: OlderSiblingDelegate?
func tellSomebodyToGetMeSomeWater() {
// The delegate is optional because even though
// I'm thirsty, there might not be anyone nearby
// that I can boss around.
// Poor little sisters have to follow (or at least acknowledge)
// their older sibling's rules (ie, protocol)
class PoorLittleSister: OlderSiblingDelegate {
func getYourNiceOlderSiblingAGlassOfWater() {
// Little sis follows the letter of the law (ie, protocol),
// but no one said exactly how she had to respond.
print("Go get it yourself!")
// MARK: The Story
// Big bro is laying on the couch watching basketball on TV.
let bigBro = BossyBigBrother()
// He has a little sister named Sally.
let sally = PoorLittleSister()
// Sally walks into the room. How convenient! Now big bro
// has someone there to boss around.
bigBro.delegate = sally
// So he tells her to get him some water.
// Unfortunately no one lived happily ever after...
// The end.
protocol getDataDelegate {
func getDataFromAnotherVC(temp: String)
import UIKit
class SecondVC: UIViewController {
var delegateCustom : getDataDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func backToMainVC(sender: AnyObject) {
//calling method defined in first View Controller with Object
self.delegateCustom?.getDataFromAnotherVC(temp: "I am sending data from second controller to first view controller.Its my first delegate example. I am done with custom delegates.")
class ViewController: UIViewController, getDataDelegate
protocol Work: class {
func doSomething()
class Manager {
weak var delegate: Work?
func passAlong() {
class Employee: Work {
func doSomething() {
print("Working on it")
let manager = Manager()
let developer = Employee()
manager.delegate = developer
manager.passAlong() // PRINTS: Working on it
Step 1: Create method on first view controller 步骤1: 在第一个视图控制器上创建方法
func updateProcessStatus(isCompleted : Bool){
if isCompleted{
self.labelStatus.text = "Process is completed"
self.labelStatus.text = "Process is in progress"
protocol UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) -> Void
class UITextField {
var delegate: UITextFieldDelegate?
private var mText: String?
var text: String? {
get {
return mText
init(text: String) {
init() {
func setText(_ text: String) {
mText = text
class Main {
let textfield = UITextField()
func viewDidLoad() {
textfield.delegate = self
extension Main: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textFieldDidChange(_ textField: UITextField) {
print(textField.text ?? "No string")
let main = Main()