// First.framework – A.swift
internal struct A {
private static let x: Int
internal static func doSomethingWithX() {
x // ok
A.x // error: x is unavailable
class Counter {
let inc: () -> Int
let dec: () -> Int
init(start: Int) {
var n = start
inc = { ++n }
dec = { --n }
let c = Counter(start: 10)
c.inc() // 11
c.inc() // 12
c.dec() // 11
class BaseClass {
private func protectedMethod() {
class SubClass : BaseClass {
func publicMethod() {
self.protectedMethod() //this is ok as they are in same file
func test() {
var a = BaseClass()
a.protectedMethod() //ERROR
var b = SubClass()
b.protectedMethod() //ERROR
class SubClass2 : BaseClass {
func publicMethod() {
self.protectedMethod() //ERROR
// Declaring "A" class that has the two types of "private" and "fileprivate":
class A {
private var aPrivate: String?
fileprivate var aFileprivate: String?
func accessMySelf() {
// this works fine
self.aPrivate = ""
self.aFileprivate = ""
// Declaring "B" for checking the abiltiy of accessing "A" class:
class B {
func accessA() {
// create an instance of "A" class
let aObject = A()
// Error! this is NOT accessable...
aObject.aPrivate = "I CANNOT set a value for it!"
// this works fine
aObject.aFileprivate = "I CAN set a value for it!"
struct MyStruct {
private let myMessage = "Hello World"
extension MyStruct {
func printMyMessage() {
// In Swift 3, you will get a compile time error:
// error: 'myMessage' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level
// In Swift 4 it should works fine!