class Engine {} // The Engine class.
class Automobile {} // Automobile class which is parent to Car class.
class Car extends Automobile { // Car is an Automobile, so Car class extends Automobile class.
private Engine engine; // Car has an Engine so, Car class has an instance of Engine class as its member.
public interface Flyable{
public void fly();
public class Duck {
Flyable fly;
public Duck(){
fly = new BackwardFlying();
如:< / p >
public class BackwardFlying implements Flyable{
public void fly(){
Systemout.println("Flies backward ");
public class FastFlying implements Flyable{
public void fly(){
Systemout.println("Flies 100 miles/sec");
// This is a base class
public abstract class Car
//Define prototype
public abstract void color();
public void Gear() {
Console.WriteLine("Car has a four Gear");
// Here is the use of inheritence
// This Desire class have four gears.
// But we need to add one more gear that is Neutral gear.
public class Desire : Car
Neutral obj = null;
public Desire()
// Here we are incorporating neutral gear(It is the use of composition).
// Now this class would have five gear.
obj = new Neutral();
public override void color()
Console.WriteLine("This is a white color car");
// This Safari class have four gears and it is not required the neutral
// gear and hence we don't need to compose here.
public class Safari :Car{
public Safari()
{ }
public override void color()
Console.WriteLine("This is a red color car");
// This class represents the neutral gear and it would be used as a composition.
public class Neutral {
public void NeutralGear() {
Console.WriteLine("This is a Neutral Gear");