use strict; use warnings;
my @array = qw( one ten twenty one );
my %lookup = map { $_ => undef } @array;
for my $element ( qw( one two three ) ) {
if ( exists $lookup{ $element }) {
print "$element\n";
assuming that the number of times the element appears in @array is not important and the contents of @array are simple scalars.
If you're only matching against strings, you could also use a hash. This can speed up your program if @list is large and, you are going to match against %hash several times. Especially if @array doesn't change, because then you only have to load up %hash once.
unlike grep, it stops at the first element which passes the test (perl's smart match operator 短路 as well);
它适用于任何 perl 版本(至少 > = 5.00503)。
Here is an example which works with any searched (scalar) value, including undef:
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
my $value = 'test'; # or any other scalar
my @array = (1, 2, undef, 'test', 5, 6);
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if ( any { $_ eq $value } @array ) {
print "$value present\n"
package Autoloader;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $self = shift;
my ($method) = (split(/::/, $AUTOLOAD))[-1];
die "Object does not contain method '$method'" if not ref $self->{$method} eq 'CODE';
goto &{$self->{$method}};
sub element {
my $elem = shift;
my $sub = {
in => sub {
return if not $_[0];
# you could also implement this as any of the other suggested grep/first/any solutions already posted.
my %hash; @hash{@_} = ();
return (exists $hash{$elem}) ? 1 : ();
bless($sub, 'Autoloader');