$ pod help setup
$ pod setup
Creates a directory at `~/.cocoapods/repos` which will hold your spec-repos.
This is where it will create a clone of the public `master` spec-repo from:
If the clone already exists, it will ensure that it is up-to-date.
最后,当我在项目文件夹中运行pod repo list时,它显示主文件夹已被添加为repo。因为我仍然得到一个错误,它无法找到我正在寻找的pod的规格,我去到主文件夹并执行git fetch和git merge。git获取花费的时间最长,以50 KB/s的速度大约需要一个小时。我使用fetch和merge而不是pull,因为我有它的问题,即fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly。它现在是最新的,我能够得到我想要的豆荚。
# Ad network framework
pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Core'
# pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/GoogleMobileAds' # - the conflicting pod
pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Facebook'
pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/SmartAdServer'
pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Mopub'