

  • 以模态方式呈现
  • 推送到导航栈上

在这两种情况下,presentingViewControllerisMovingToParentViewController都是 YES,所以不是很有帮助。


原来我的问题是,我嵌入了我的 HtmlViewController在一个 UINavigationController,然后提出。这就是为什么我自己的尝试和下面的好答案都不起作用的原因。

HtmlViewController*     termsViewController = [[HtmlViewController alloc] initWithDictionary:dictionary];
UINavigationController* modalViewController;

modalViewController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:termsViewController];
modalViewController.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical;
[self presentViewController:modalViewController


145132 次浏览

self.navigationController != nil代表它在导航栈里。


- (BOOL)isModal {
if([self presentingViewController])
return YES;
if([[[self navigationController] presentingViewController] presentedViewController] == [self navigationController])
return YES;
if([[[self tabBarController] presentingViewController] isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]])
return YES;

return NO;

你忽略了一个方法: isBeingPresented

当呈现视图控制器时,isBeingPresented为 true; 当推送视图控制器时,isBeingPresented为 false。

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];

if ([self isBeingPresented]) {
// being presented
} else if ([self isMovingToParentViewController]) {
// being pushed
} else {
// simply showing again because another VC was dismissed



// MARK: - UIViewController implementation

extension UIViewController {

var isModal: Bool {

let presentingIsModal = presentingViewController != nil
let presentingIsNavigation = navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == navigationController
let presentingIsTabBar = tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController

return presentingIsModal || presentingIsNavigation || presentingIsTabBar
id presentedController = self.navigationController.modalViewController;
if (presentedController) {
// Some view is Presented
} else {
// Some view is Pushed

这将让您知道 viewController 是显示还是推送

正如这里的许多人所建议的,“检查”方法并不适用于所有情况,在我的项目中,我提出了手动管理的解决方案。 重点是,我们通常自己管理展示——这不是幕后发生的事情,我们必须反省。


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

// it is a base class for all view controllers within a project
@interface DEViewController : UIViewController

// specify a way viewcontroller, is presented  by another viewcontroller
// the presented view controller should manually assign the value to it
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SSViewControllerPresentationMethod) {
SSViewControllerPresentationMethodUnspecified = 0,
@property (nonatomic) SSViewControllerPresentationMethod viewControllerPresentationMethod;

// other properties/methods...



// DETestViewController inherits from DEViewController
DETestViewController *vc = [DETestViewController new];
vc.viewControllerPresentationMethod = SSViewControllerPresentationMethodPush;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];


DETestViewController *vc = [DETestViewController new];
vc.viewControllerPresentationMethod = SSViewControllerPresentationMethodModal;
UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc]
[self presentViewController:nav animated:YES completion:nil];


DETestViewController *vc = [DETestViewController new];
vc.viewControllerPresentationMethod = SSViewControllerPresentationMethodModal;
[self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];

另外,在 DEViewController中,如果上述属性等于 SSViewControllerPresentationMethodUnspecified,我们可以在“检查”中添加一个备用属性:

- (BOOL)isViewControllerPushed
if (self.viewControllerPresentationMethod != SSViewControllerPresentationMethodUnspecified) {
return (BOOL)(self.viewControllerPresentationMethod == SSViewControllerPresentationMethodPush);

else {
// fallback to default determination method
return (BOOL)self.navigationController.viewControllers.count > 1;

控制器! = nil 意味着它在导航中 栈。


extension UIViewController {
var isModal: Bool {
if let index = navigationController?.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self), index > 0 {
return false
} else if presentingViewController != nil {
return true
} else if let navigationController = navigationController, navigationController.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == navigationController {
return true
} else if let tabBarController = tabBarController, tabBarController.presentingViewController is UITabBarController {
return true
} else {
return false

假设所有模态显示的 viewController 都包装在一个新的导航控制器中(无论如何您都应该这样做) ,您可以将这个属性添加到 VC 中。

private var wasPushed: Bool {
guard let vc = navigationController?.viewControllers.first where vc == self else {
return true

return false

如果有人想知道,如何告诉 ViewController 它正在呈现

如果 A呈现/推动 B

  1. B中定义 enumproperty

    enum ViewPresentationStyle {
    case Push
    case Present
    //and write property
    var vcPresentationStyle : ViewPresentationStyle = .Push //default value, considering that B is pushed
  2. Now in A view controller, tell B if it is being presented/pushed by assigning presentationStyle

    func presentBViewController() {
    let bViewController = B()
    bViewController.vcPresentationStyle = .Present //telling B that it is being presented
    self.presentViewController(bViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
  3. Usage in B View Controller

    override func viewDidLoad() {
    if self.vcPresentationStyle == .Present {
    //is being presented
    else {
    //is being pushed

Swift 5
这里有一个解决方案,可以解决前面答案中提到的问题,如果推入的 UIViewController在呈现的 UINavigationController堆栈中,当 isModal()返回 true时。

extension UIViewController {
var isModal: Bool {
if let index = navigationController?.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self), index > 0 {
return false
} else if presentingViewController != nil {
return true
} else if navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == navigationController {
return true
} else if tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController {
return true
} else {
return false

到目前为止,我觉得还不错。 如果有一些优化,请分享。

如果您正在使用 ios 5.0或更高版本,请使用以下代码

if ([self isBeingPresented]) {
// being presented
return YES;
} else if ([self isMovingToParentViewController]) {
// being pushed
return NO;
} else {
// simply showing again because another VC was dismissed
return NO;

Swift 4

var isModal: Bool {
return presentingViewController != nil ||
navigationController?.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController === navigationController ||
tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController


if ([[[self.parentViewController childViewControllers] firstObject] isKindOfClass:[self class]]) {

// Not pushed
else {

// Pushed


if let navigationController = self.navigationController, navigationController.isBeingPresented {
// being presented
// being pushed


if navigationController?.presentingViewController != nil {
// Navigation controller is being presented modally

Swift 5
这个方便的扩展比以前的答案处理更多的情况。这些情况是 VC (视图控制器)是应用程序窗口的根 VC,VC 作为子 VC 添加到父 VC 中。只有当视图控制器以模态方式显示时,它才会尝试返回 true。

extension UIViewController {
returns true only if the viewcontroller is presented.
var isModal: Bool {
if let index = navigationController?.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self), index > 0 {
return false
} else if presentingViewController != nil {
if let parent = parent, !(parent is UINavigationController || parent is UITabBarController) {
return false
return true
} else if let navController = navigationController, navController.presentingViewController?.presentedViewController == navController {
return true
} else if tabBarController?.presentingViewController is UITabBarController {
return true
return false

多亏了 琼斯的回答。同样,还有进行更多优化的空间。请在评论部分讨论需要处理的案例。

这个在 iOS 15和 Xcode 13.1下测试过的解决方案怎么样:

var isPresented: Bool {
if let nvc = navigationController {
return nvc.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self) == 0
} else {
return presentingViewController != nil