/*eslint-env es6*/
/*global require*/
/*global console*/
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// Creates a server which runs on port 3000 and
// can be accessed through localhost:3000
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log('server running on port 3000');
} )
app.get('/name', function(req, res) {
// Use child_process.spawn method from
// child_process module and assign it
// to variable spawn
var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
// Parameters passed in spawn -
// 1. type_of_script
// 2. list containing Path of the script
// and arguments for the script
// E.g : http://localhost:3000/name?firstname=Levente
var process = spawn('python',['apiTest.py',
// Takes stdout data from script which executed
// with arguments and send this data to res object
var output = '';
process.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
console.log("Sending Info")
import { py, python } from 'pythonia'
const np = await python('numpy')
const plot = await python('matplotlib.pyplot')
// Fixing random state for reproducibility
await np.random.seed(19680801)
const [mu, sigma] = [100, 15]
// Inline expression evaluation for operator overloading
const x = await py`${mu} + ${sigma} * ${np.random.randn(10000)}`
// the histogram of the data
const [n, bins, patches] = await plot.hist$(x, 50, { density: true, facecolor: 'g', alpha: 0.75 })
console.log('Distribution', await n) // Always await for all Python access
await plot.show()
const { py, python } = require('pythonia')
async function main() {
const np = await python('numpy')
const plot = await python('matplotlib.pyplot')
// the rest of the code
main().then(() => python.exit()) // If you don't call this, the process won't quit by itself.
import { runFunction } from '@guydev/native-python'
const example = async () => {
const input = [1,[1,2,3],{'foo':'bar'}]
const { error, data } = await runFunction('/path/to/file.py','hello_world', '/path/to/python', input)
// error will be null if no error occured.
if (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error)
else {
console.log('Success: ', data)
// prints data or null if function has no return value