I see that you've tagged this question with the google-spreadsheet-api tag. So by "drop-down" do you mean Google App Script's ListBox? If so, you may toggle a user's ability to select multiple items from the ListBox with a simple true/false value.
Here's an example:
var lb = app.createListBox(true).setId('myId').setName('myLbName');
Notice that multiselect is enabled because of the word true.
You would use data validation for this. Click in the cell you want to have a multiple drop down > DATA > Validation > Criteria (List from a Range) - here you select form a list of items you want in the drop down. And .. you are good. I have included an example to reference.
You would need to use Tools > Script Editor. Create .gs and .html files there. See example at http://goo.gl/LxGXfU (link can be also found under Youtube video). Just copy
Once you have .gs and .html files in place save them and reload your spreadsheet. You will see "Custom menu" as the last item of your top menu. Select cell you would like to manage and click on this menu item.
During the first time it will ask you to authorize application - go ahead and do this.
Note (1): make sure that your cell has "Data validation" defined before you click on "Custom menu".
Note (2): it appeared that solution works with "List from a range" criteria for Data validation (it does not work with "List of items")
I have found a great work-around for this. It really only works practically if you want to be able to select up to 4 or so options from your drop down list but here it is:
For each "item" create as many rows as drop-down items you'd like to be able to select. So if you want to be able to select up to 3 characteristics from a given drop down list for each person on your list, create a total of 3 rows for each person. Then merge A:1-A:3, B:1-B:3, C:1-C:3 etc until you reach the column that you'd like your drop-down list to be. Don't merge those cells, instead place the your Data Validation drop-down in each of those cells.
For general guidance on setting up a script in Google Sheets, see this quickstart guide.
To use this script:
In your Google Sheet, set up data validation for a cell (or cells),
using data from a range. In cell validation, do not select 'Reject
Go to Tools > Script editor...
In the script editor, go to File > New > Script file
Name the file multi-select.gs and paste in the contents of
multi-select.gs. File > Save.
In the script editor, go to File > New > Html file Name the file
dialog.html and paste in the contents of dialog.html. File > Save.
Back in your spreadsheet, you should now have a new menu called
'Scripts'. Refresh the page if necessary.
Select the cell you want to fill with multiple items from your
validation range.
Go to Scripts > Multi-select for this cell... and the sidebar should
open, showing a checklist of valid items.
Tick the items you want and click the 'Set' button to fill your
cell with those selected items, comma separated.
You can leave the script sidebar open. When you select any cell that has validation, click 'Refresh validation' in the script sidebar to bring up that cell's checklist.
The above mentioned steps are taken from this link
If the answers must be constrained to Google Sheets, this answer works but it has limitations and is clumsy enough UX that it may be hard to get others to adopt. In trying to solve this problem I've found that, for many applications, Airtable solves this by allowing for multi-select columns and the UX is worlds better.