var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form'); //get all forms on the site
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { //to each form...
forms[i].addEventListener( // add a "listener"
'submit', // for an on-submit "event"
function () { //add a submit pre-processing function:
var input_name = "fragment"; // name form will use to send the fragment
// Try search whether we already done this or not
// in current form, find every <input ... name="fragment" ...>
var hiddens = form.querySelectorAll('[name="' + input_name + '"]');
if (hiddens.length < 1) { // if not there yet
//create an extra input element
var hidden = document.createElement("input");
//set it to hidden so it doesn't break view
hidden.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
//set a name to get by it in PHP
hidden.setAttribute('name', input_name);
this.appendChild(hidden); //append it to the current form
} else {
var hidden = hiddens[0]; // use an existing one if already there
//set a value of #HASH - EVERY TIME, so we get the MOST RECENT #hash :)
hidden.setAttribute('value', window.location.hash);
Getting the data after the hashmark in a query string is simple. Here is an example used for when a client accesses a glossary of terms from a book. It takes the name anchor delivered (#tesla), and delivers the client to that term and highlights the term and its description in blue so its easy to see.
使用 div id 设置字符串,这样名称锚就会到达应该到达的位置,JavaScript 可以更改文本颜色
<div id="tesla">Tesla</div>
<div id="tesla1">An energy company</div>
Use JavaScript to do the heavy work, on the server side, inserted in your PHP page, or wherever..
var h = window.location.hash;
var h1 = (win.substr(1));//string with no #
var q1 = '<input type="text" id="hash" name="hash" value="'+h1+'">';
document.querySelector('#cont').innerHTML = q1;
} else alert("Something went wrong")