val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("scopt") {
head("scopt", "3.x")
opt[Int]('f', "foo") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(foo = x) } text("foo is an integer property")
opt[File]('o', "out") required() valueName("<file>") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(out = x) } text("out is a required file property")
opt[(String, Int)]("max") action { case ((k, v), c) =>
c.copy(libName = k, maxCount = v) } validate { x =>
if (x._2 > 0) success
else failure("Value <max> must be >0")
} keyValueName("<libname>", "<max>") text("maximum count for <libname>")
opt[Unit]("verbose") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(verbose = true) } text("verbose is a flag")
note("some notes.\n")
help("help") text("prints this usage text")
arg[File]("<file>...") unbounded() optional() action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(files = c.files :+ x) } text("optional unbounded args")
cmd("update") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(mode = "update") } text("update is a command.") children(
opt[Unit]("not-keepalive") abbr("nk") action { (_, c) =>
c.copy(keepalive = false) } text("disable keepalive"),
opt[Boolean]("xyz") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(xyz = x) } text("xyz is a boolean property")
// parser.parse returns Option[C]
parser.parse(args, Config()) map { config =>
// do stuff
} getOrElse {
// arguments are bad, usage message will have been displayed
scopt 3.x
Usage: scopt [update] [options] [<file>...]
-f <value> | --foo <value>
foo is an integer property
-o <file> | --out <file>
out is a required file property
maximum count for <libname>
verbose is a flag
some notes.
prints this usage text
optional unbounded args
Command: update
update is a command.
-nk | --not-keepalive
disable keepalive
--xyz <value>
xyz is a boolean property
object Main {
object Args {
names = Array("-f", "--file"),
description = "File to load. Can be specified multiple times.")
var file: java.util.List[String] = null
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
new JCommander(Args, args.toArray: _*)
for (filename <- Args.file) {
val f = new File(filename)
printf("file: %s\n", f.getName)
import org.rogach.scallop._;
object Conf extends ScallopConf(List("-c","3","-E","fruit=apple","7.2")) {
// all options that are applicable to builder (like description, default, etc)
// are applicable here as well
val count:ScallopOption[Int] = opt[Int]("count", descr = "count the trees", required = true)
.map(1+) // also here work all standard Option methods -
// evaluation is deferred to after option construction
val properties = props[String]('E')
// types (:ScallopOption[Double]) can be omitted, here just for clarity
val size:ScallopOption[Double] = trailArg[Double](required = false)
// that's it. Completely type-safe and convenient.
Conf.count() should equal (4)"fruit") should equal (Some("apple"))
Conf.size.get should equal (Some(7.2))
// passing into other functions
def someInternalFunc(conf:Conf.type) {
conf.count() should equal (4)
def parseOptions(args: List[String], required: List[Symbol], optional: Map[String, Symbol], options: Map[Symbol, String]): Map[Symbol, String] = {
args match {
// Empty list
case Nil => options
// Keyword arguments
case key :: value :: tail if optional.get(key) != None =>
parseOptions(tail, required, optional, options ++ Map(optional(key) -> value))
// Positional arguments
case value :: tail if required != Nil =>
parseOptions(tail, required.tail, optional, options ++ Map(required.head -> value))
// Exit if an unknown argument is received
case _ =>
printf("unknown argument(s): %s\n", args.mkString(", "))
def main(sysargs Array[String]) {
// Required positional arguments by key in options
val required = List('arg1, 'arg2)
// Optional arguments by flag which map to a key in options
val optional = Map("--flag1" -> 'flag1, "--flag2" -> 'flag2)
// Default options that are passed in
var defaultOptions = Map()
// Parse options based on the command line args
val options = parseOptions(sysargs.toList, required, optional, defaultOptions)
var name = ""
var port = 0
var ip = ""
args.sliding(2, 2).toList.collect {
case Array("--ip", argIP: String) => ip = argIP
case Array("--port", argPort: String) => port = argPort.toInt
case Array("--name", argName: String) => name = argName
class Cat extends Command(description = "concatenate files and print on the standard output") {
// type-safety: members are typed! so showAll is a Boolean
var showAll = opt[Boolean](abbrev = "A", description = "equivalent to -vET")
var numberNonblank = opt[Boolean](abbrev = "b", description = "number nonempty output lines, overrides -n")
// files is a Seq[File]
var files = args[Seq[File]](description = "files to concat")
Cli.parse(args).withCommand(new Cat) { case cat =>
Error:Option "-list" is required
-list VAL : List of Nutch Segment(s) Part(s)
-master VAL : Spark master url (default: local[2])
-workdir VAL : Work directory.