检查字符串是否为 JSON?

我的 JavaScript 有时会在这一行崩溃:

var json = eval('(' + this.responseText + ')');

eval()的参数不是 JSON 时会导致崩溃。在进行这个调用之前,是否有办法检查字符串是否为 JSON?

我不想使用一个框架-有没有办法只使用 eval()就可以实现这个功能?(我保证,这是有原因的)

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If you include the JSON parser from json.org, you can use its parse() function and just wrap it in a try/catch, like so:

var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
alert('invalid json');

Something like that would probably do what you want.

I highly recommend you use a javascript JSON library for serializing to and from JSON. eval() is a security risk which should never be used unless you are absolutely certain that its input is sanitized and safe.

With a JSON library in place, just wrap the call to its parse() equivalent in a try/catch-block to handle non-JSON input:

var jsonObject = JSON.parse(yourJsonString);
// handle error

Hers's the jQuery alternative...

var jsonObject = jQuery.parseJSON(yourJsonString);
// handle error

The problem with depending on the try-catch approach is that JSON.parse('123') = 123 and it will not throw an exception. Therefore, In addition to the try-catch, we need to check the type as follows:

function isJsonStr(str) {
var parsedStr = str;
try {
parsedStr = JSON.parse(str);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return typeof parsedStr == 'object'

Maybe this helps: With this code, you can get directly your data…

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h3>Open console, please, to view result!</h3>
<p id="demo"></p>

var tryJSON = function (test) {
try {
catch(err) {
// maybe you need to escape this… (or not)
test = '"'+test.replace(/\\?"/g,'\\"')+'"';
eval('test = '+test);
console.debug('Try json:', test);

// test with string…
var test = 'bonjour "mister"';
// test with JSON…
var test = '{"fr-FR": "<p>Ceci est un texte en français !</p>","en-GB": "<p>And here, a text in english!</p>","nl-NL": "","es-ES": ""}';


There is a tiny library that checks JavaScript types: is.js

is.json({foo: 'bar'});
=> true

// functions are returning as false
=> false

=> true

is.all.json({}, 1);
=> false

is.any.json({}, 2);
=> true

// 'all' and 'any' interfaces can also take array parameter
is.all.json([{}, {foo: 'bar'}]);
=> true

Actually is.js is much more then this, some honorable mentions:

var obj = document.createElement('div');
=> true

is.error(new Error());
=> true

=> true

=> true if current browser is chrome

Why you can't just check what is the response? It is more more efficient.

var result;

if (response.headers['Content-Type'] === 'application/json')
result = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
result = this.responseText;


jQuery $.ajax() will add the responseJSON property to the response object, and to test if the response is JSON, you can use:

if (xhr.hasOwnProperty('responseJSON')) {}