如何通过 UNIX mailx 命令发送电子邮件?

如何通过 UNIXmailx命令发送电子邮件?

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From the man page:

Sending mail

To send a message to one or more people, mailx can be invoked with arguments which are the names of people to whom the mail will be sent. The user is then expected to type in his message, followed by an ‘control-D’ at the beginning of a line.

In other words, mailx reads the content to send from standard input and can be redirected to like normal. E.g.:

ls -l $HOME | mailx -s "The content of my home directory" someone@email.adr

an example

$ echo "something" | mailx -s "subject" recipient@somewhere.com

to send attachment

$ uuencode file file | mailx -s "subject" recipient@somewhere.com

and to send attachment AND write the message body

$ (echo "something\n" ; uuencode file file) | mailx -s "subject" recipient@somewhere.com

Here you are :

echo "Body" | mailx -r "FROM_EMAIL" -s "SUBJECT" "To_EMAIL"

PS. Body and subject should be kept within double quotes. Remove quotes from FROM_EMAIL and To_EMAIL while substituting email addresses.

Its faster with MUTT command

echo "Body Of the Email"  | mutt -a "File_Attachment.csv" -s "Daily Report for $(date)"  -c cc_mail@g.com to_mail@g.com -y
  1. -c email cc list
  2. -s subject list
  3. -y to send the mail
mail [-s subject] [-c ccaddress] [-b bccaddress] toaddress

-c and -b are optional.

-s : Specify subject;if subject contains spaces, use quotes.

-c : Send carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.

-b : Send blind carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.

Hope my answer clarifies your doubt.

echo "Sending emails ..."
NOW=$(date +"%F %H:%M")
echo $NOW  " Running service" >> open_files.log
header=`echo "Service Restarting: " $NOW`

mail -s "$header" abc.xyz@google.com,   \
cde.mno@yahoo.com, \ < open_files.log
mailx -s "subjec_of_mail" abc@domail.com < file_name

through mailx utility we can send a file from unix to mail server. here in above code we can see first parameter is -s "subject of mail" the second parameter is mail ID and the last parameter is name of file which we want to attach

Customizing FROM address


echo $MESSAGE | mail  -s "$SUBJECT" $TOADDR  -- -f $FROM

If you want to send more than two person or DL :

echo "Message Body" | mailx -s "Message Title" -r sender@someone.com receiver1@someone.com,receiver_dl@.com


  • -s = subject or mail title
  • -r = sender mail or DL

Here is a multifunctional function to tackle mail sending with several attachments:

enviaremail() {
values=$(echo "$@" | tr -d '\n')
heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[@]}; a++ )); do
attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
echo "${attachment}"
done) -v -s "${titulo}" \
-S smtp-use-starttls \
-S ssl-verify=ignore \
-S smtp-auth=login \
-S smtp=smtp://$1 \
-S from="${2}" \
-S smtp-auth-user=$3 \
-S smtp-auth-password=$4 \
-S ssl-verify=ignore \
$5 < ${cuerpo}

function call: enviaremail "smtp.mailserver:port" "from_address" "authuser" "'pass'" "destination" "list of attachments separated by space"

Note: Remove the double quotes in the call

In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function