Microsoft.Bcl.BuildNuGet 包是做什么的?

我无法找到任何有关这方面的文档-从 编译 Nuget 页面的链接没有提供太多的帮助:

此包提供构建基础结构组件,以便引用特定 Microsoft 包的项目可以成功构建。


Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets文件来看,它似乎管理绑定重定向和包引用。其中一些功能似乎只有在 VisualStudio 中运行时才会使用。

有人能提供更多关于这个软件包的信息吗?如果完全从源代码构建(例如构建服务器环境) ,是否可以忽略 在我们的构建服务器环境中,这是一个痛苦的问题

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It is basically a way for older packages that targeted older .Net to build and compile with no problems on new .Nets

If you go to you will see two announcements linking to and that should explain it.

From looking at Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets, it has a bunch of project configuration targets, eg:

  • EnsureBindingRedirects - Determine which references are opted in for binding redirects, and update the app.config with them
  • BclBuildValidateNugetPackageReferences - This target validates that any Nuget packages installed in the current project also have their dependencies (transitive dependencies) installed in the current project.

So based on this evaluation, I decided that this functionality is only needed in a dev environment, when adding/removing/updating NuGet dependencies; and that it could be ignored in a CI environment, where it's causing problems.

So I want to keep the dependency in my *.csproj files, but ignore it when running a CI build. I did that by adding a conditional import on a build environment targets file (eg builder.targets), which includes this block:

<!-- Skip Microsoft.Bcl.Build functionality when building only from Source. -->

This has the net effect of ignoring the targets in a CI environment, but activating them in a development environment. I've had this running for over a week, and no problems so far...

I'd still love to know if anyone has better information on this package that indicates that doing this is a bad idea. So far I'm of the opinion that it's a good idea.

Edit 2018-02-01:

Note that the ignore parameter can also be passed on the command-line, to skip the Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets logic:

msbuild (targets, etc) /p:BclBuildImported=Ignore