如何在春季使用泛型 < T > 的自动线豆?

我有一个要求在 @Configuration类中自动连接的 bean Item<T>

public class AppConfig {

public Item<String> stringItem() {
return new StringItem();

public Item<Integer> integerItem() {
return new IntegerItem();


但是当我尝试 @Autowire Item<String>时,我得到了下面的例外。

"No qualifying bean of type [Item] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: stringItem, integerItem"

如何在春季自动装配泛型 Item<T>

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Simple solution is to upgrade to Spring 4.0 as it will automatically consider generics as a form of @Qualifier, as below:

private Item<String> strItem; // Injects the stringItem bean

private Item<Integer> intItem; // Injects the integerItem bean

Infact, you can even autowire nested generics when injecting into a list, as below:

// Inject all Item beans as long as they have an <Integer> generic
// Item<String> beans will not appear in this list
private List<Item<Integer>> intItems;

How this Works?

The new ResolvableType class provides the logic of actually working with generic types. You can use it yourself to easily navigate and resolve type information. Most methods on ResolvableType will themselves return a ResolvableType, for example:

// Assuming 'field' refers to 'intItems' above
ResolvableType t1 = ResolvableType.forField(field); // List<Item<Integer>>
ResolvableType t2 = t1.getGeneric(); // Item<Integer>
ResolvableType t3 = t2.getGeneric(); // Integer
Class<?> c = t3.resolve(); // Integer.class

// or more succinctly
Class<?> c = ResolvableType.forField(field).resolveGeneric(0, 0);

Check out the Examples & Tutorials at below links.

Hope this helps you.

If you dont want to upgrade to Spring 4 you have to autowire by name as below :

private Item<String> strItem; // Injects the stringItem bean

private Item<Integer> intItem; // Injects the integerItem bean

Spring 4.0 is the answer with the @Qualifier annotation usage. Hope this helps

Spring autowired strategy is defined in your configration file(application.xml).

if you don't defined, default is by Type, spring inject use JDK reflect mechanism.

so List?String? and List?Item?, the type is same List.class, so spring confused how to inject.

and as above persons response, you should be point @Qualifier to tell spring which bean should be inject.

i like spring configration file to define bean rather then Annotation.

<property name="stringItem">

I believe it has nothing to with generics... If you are injecting two different beans of same type then you need to provide a qualifier to help Spring identify them;

... Elsewhere

public Item stringItem() {
return new StringItem();

public Item integerItem() {
return new IntegerItem();

If you have a non-generic declarations like these then you need to add qualifier to help Spring identify them...

private Item item1;

private Item item2;

Of course, in versions 4 and above spring considers the Generic Types through the resolvers which is very cool...

Below is a solution I made to answer this question:

List<String> listItem= new ArrayList<>();

ResolvableType resolvableType = ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(List.class, String.class);
RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition();

DefaultListableBeanFactory bf = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) configurableWebApplicationContext.getBeanFactory();

bf.registerBeanDefinition("your bean name", beanDefinition);
bf.registerSingleton("your bean name", listItem);