如何捕捉死锁导致的 SqlException?

从一个。NET 3.5/C # 应用程序,我希望在 SQL Server 2008实例上捕获 SqlException但是 只有当它是由死锁引起的时候

典型的错误消息是 Transaction (Process ID 58) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

然而,对于这个异常,它似乎不是一个文档化的 错误代码

针对其消息中存在的 僵局关键字过滤异常似乎是实现这种行为的一种非常丑陋的方式。有人知道该怎么做吗?

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The Microsft SQL Server-specific error code for a deadlock is 1205 so you'd need to handle the SqlException and check for that. So, e.g. if for all other types of SqlException you want the bubble the exception up:

catch (SqlException ex)
if (ex.Number == 1205)
// Deadlock

Or, using exception filtering available in C# 6

catch (SqlException ex) when (ex.Number == 1205)
// Deadlock

A handy thing to do to find the actual SQL error code for a given message, is to look in sys.messages in SQL Server.


SELECT * FROM sys.messages WHERE text LIKE '%deadlock%' AND language_id=1033

An alternative way to handle deadlocks (from SQL Server 2005 and above), is to do it within a stored procedure using the TRY...CATCH support:

-- some sql statements
IF (ERROR_NUMBER() = 1205)
-- is a deadlock
-- is not a deadlock

There's a full example here in MSDN of how to implement deadlock retry logic purely within SQL.

Because I suppose you possibly want to detect deadlocks, to be able to retry the failed operation, I like to warn you for a little gotcha. I hope you’ll excuse me for being a bit off topic here.

A deadlock detected by the database will effectively rollback the transaction in which you were running (if any), while the connection is kept open in .NET. Retrying that operation (in that same connection), means it will be executed in a transactionless context and this could lead to data corruption.

It's important to be aware of this. It’s best to consider the complete connection doomed in case of a failure caused by SQL. Retrying the operation can only be done on the level where the transaction is defined (by recreating that transaction and its connection).

So when you are retrying a failed operation, please make sure you open a completely new connection and start a new transaction.

Here is a C# 6 way of detecting deadlocks.

//todo: Execute SQL.
//IMPORTANT, if you used Connection.BeginTransaction(), this try..catch must surround that code. You must rollback the original transaction, then recreate it and re-run all the code.
catch (SqlException ex) when (ex.Number == 1205)
//todo: Retry SQL

Make sure this try..catch surrounds your entire transaction. According to @Steven (see his answer for details), when the sql command fails due to the deadlock, it causes the transaction to be rolled back and, if you don't recreate the transaction, your retry will execute outside of the context of the transaction and can result in data inconsistencies.