
我喜欢 Qt Creator 中的深色“ FakeVim”配色方案。然而,它只使编辑器部分黑暗,而其他一切保持正常,这是有点令人不安。有没有什么方法可以让这样的黑暗方案全球 Qt 创造者?

Vim (深色)配色方案 Vim Color Scheme

配色方案只应用于文本编辑器(因为这是唯一的选项) ,而不是环境。 Vim applied to text editor

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QTcreator obeys your kde-wide configurations. If you choose "obsidian-coast" as the system-wide color scheme qt creator will be all dark as well. I know it is a partial solution but it works.

I found some trick for your problem! Here you can see it: Habrahabr -- Redesigning Qt Creator by your hands (russian lang.)

According to that article, that trick is kind of not so dirty, but "hack" (probably it wouldn't harm your system, but it can leave some artifacts on your interface).

You don't need to patch something (there is possibility, but I don't recommend).

Main idea is to use stylesheet like this stylesheet.css:

// on Linux
qtcreator -stylesheet='.qt-stylesheet.css'
// on Windows
[pathToQt]\QtCreator\bin\qtcreator.exe -stylesheet [pathToStyleSheet]

To get such effect: QtCreator before and after

To customize by your needs, you may need to read documentation: Qt Style Sheets Reference, Qt Style Sheets Examples and so on.

This wiki page is dedicated to custom Qt Creator styling.

P.S. If you'll got better stylesheet, share it, I'll be happy! :)

UPD (10.12.2014): Hopefully, now we can close this topic. Thanks, Simon G., Things have changed once again. Users may use custom themes since QtCreator 3.3. So hacky stylesheets are no longer needed.

Everyone can take a look at todays update: Qt 5.4 released. There you can find information that Qt 5.4, also comes with a brand new version of Qt Creator 3.3. Just take a look at official video at Youtube.

So, to apply dark theme you need go to "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Environment" -> "General" tab, and there you need to change "Theme".

See more information about its configuring here: Configuring Qt Creator.

My Dark Color scheme for QtCreator is at:


To use with Vim (dark) scheme.

Hope it is useful for someone.

Here is my dark theme (based on Darcula IntelliJ Theme):

QT Creator Dark Color Scheme - Preview

Here is a theme that I copied all the important parts of the Visual Studio 2013 dark theme.

**Update 08/Sep/15 - Qt Creator 3.5.1/Qt 5.5.1 might have fixed the rest of Qt not being dark properly and hard to read.

I found a way to change the Application Output theme and everything that can't be edited from .css.

If you use osX:

  1. Navigate to your Qt install directory.
  2. Right click Qt Creator application and select "Show Package Contents"
  3. Copy the following file to your desktop> Contents/Resources/themes/dark.creatortheme or /default.creatortheme. Depending on if you are using dark theme or default theme.
  4. Edit the file in text editor.
  5. Under [Palette], there is a line that says error=ffff0000.
  6. Set a new color, save, and override the original file.

Simple in two line

  1. Go to "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Environment" -> "General" tab,
  2. Change "Theme" to dark

Linux, Qt Creator >= 3.4:

You could edit theese themes:


In newer versions of Qt Creator (Currently using 4.4.1), you can follow these simple steps:
Tools > Options > Environment > Interface

Here you can change the theme to Flat Dark.

It will change the whole Qt Creator theme, not just the editor window.

enter image description here